Events Day highlights Hamilton County Fair

Published 2:20 pm Wednesday, December 21, 2005

The annual Hamilton County fair slated for Thursday, October 7, will be a welcome bright spot in an otherwise “weather weary” Florida.

Bonnie, Charley, Frances, Ivan and Jeanne – along with any other ‘unnamed’ storms out there – Not wzelcome! The welcome mat is out however, for all of Hamilton County and the surrounding counties, to attend the gala community event now in its 33rd year.

The fair venue is set at the Hamilton County Arena in Jasper. Forecast for Oct. 7 Food, fun, festivities and a family-filled frolicking good time, with not a cloud in the sky.

The idea for the first fair, originated in 1971. It was thought of as a way to honor and highlight local youth organizations – such as 4-H and FFA – exhibiting their products, along with recognizing their efforts and interest in agriculture. It evolved into “Events Day” and has since gained interest well beyond the boarders of Hamilton County.

A full afternoon of activity includes a swine show and sale, barbecue supper, horse show and pig scramble. The BBQ – 400 plates sold – is an all volunteer prepared undertaking and is set to be served in the arena beginning 5:30 p.m. This year, 40 hogs will be shown by 36 exhibitors, along with a competitive horse show including youthful and adult participants.

A ‘fair’ forecast for a fair day in Jasper, is set for a week from today – October 7 – at the Hamilton County Arena.

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