OUR OPINION: Thumbs up, thumbs down
Published 11:42 pm Friday, December 29, 2006
THUMBS UP: To Commander Johnnie Fason of the Valdosta Police Department, who is retiring after 30 years of service to the city. His influence within and outside of the department has been impressive through good times and bad. In congratulating Fason, we wish him all the best in his retirement.
THUMBS UP: To the City of Remerton for providing free rides to patrons of the city’s bars and restaurants during New Year’s Eve. This will mark the second year Remerton has provided this service, which drastically curbs the number of impaired drivers on the road following celebrations for the holiday.
THUMBS UP: To everyone who rolled up a sleeve last week to benefit the Valdosta chapter of the American Red Cross’ holiday blood drive. The agency finished the week with 121 whole blood units and platelets from 38 people. Donations are most important during holidays when people are traveling and the likelihood of accidents increases.