Prine & Schroepfer

Published 8:25 pm Friday, January 30, 2015

Gary Prine and Mitzi and Hubby Brooks of Valdosta are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Kayla Nicole Prine to Jack Leslie Schroepfer, Jr., son of the late Jack Shroepfer, Sr. of Hahira and Teresa and Eddy Woofin of Lake Park.

The wedding is planned for April 11, 2015 at Braided Oaks Farm in Quitman.

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The bride-elect is the granddaughter of Charles and Jean Foster of Valdosta, the late Vonne Prine of Valdosta, JoAnn Harris and the late Clint Harris of Valdosta and the late Calvin Harris of Jacksonville, Fla. She graduated from Lowndes High School in 2009. She attended Valdosta State University and received her Associate Degree in Nursing as a Licensed Practical Nurse in 2013 from Wiregrass Technical College. She is employed by Airport Clinic, Inc.

The future groom is the grandson of Jack Schroepfer of Tupelo, MS., the late James Pike of Hahira, Pat and Mike Fulghum of Hahira and Dewey Evans and the late Clara Evans of Valdosta. He graduated from Lowndes High School in 2007, he attended Valdosta State University and is a 2014 graduate of Okefenokee Technical College as an Electrical Linemen Apprentice. He is employed by Georgia Power Company.