
Published 5:30 am Sunday, March 22, 2015

VALDOSTA— Carly Rose Sutter became the bride of James McKinney, V,  on Feb. 10, 2015 at Redland Baptist Church in Valdosta with Pastor Tommy Sirmans officiating.   A reception was held at The Drury Inn in Valdosta.

The bride was given in marriage by  her parents, Patrick and Susan Sutter of Valdosta.  

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Maid of Honor was Justine Sutter of Valdosta.

The bride is  a 2010 graduate of Lowndes High School, currently pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management through Park University, Mo. She is a Shift Supervisor and Barista at Starbucks in Valdosta.

The groom  is the son of  James McKinney, IV and Lorrie McKinney of Des Moines, Iowa.

Best man was Zack Little of Des Moines,  Iowa.

The groom  is a 2010 graduate of Southeast Polk High School, Des Moines, Iowa; and  is employed by the United States Air Force, 823rd Base Defense Squadron, Moody AFB, Ga.

 In attendance for the ceremony included  the bride’s grandmother, Laura Parciak of Norwich, Conn., Lisa Sutter, aunt from Panama City, Fla.,  along with the groom’s mother Lorrie McKinney and sister Liz McKinney, both from Des Moines, Iowa.

The newlywed couple will enjoy a wedding celebration along with a well-deserved honeymoon upon the groom’s return from deployment in the  fall.