Hamel: Open letter to Rev. Rose

Published 9:00 am Saturday, April 13, 2019

You are no friend of the Rev. Martin Luther King. His dream was to bring the races together and let everyone live together happily. You appear to favor Jesse Jackson’s role of instigating discord between the races. 

My first best friend in Valdosta was a black policeman named John Fason who did his very best to bring our citizens together regardless of color differences.

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Your editorial on April 6 offended me when you lumped all of the world’s whites in your theory of international white nationalism. 

While some misguided white men have shot innocent people in schools, churches mosques, synagogues and other gatherings, it is not a white culture syndrome to do these things. There are nuts of all cultures and colors who shoot others or call for police only to shoot the officer trying to save the day.

I can’t understand why The Times prints so many of your articles which are not conducive for stressing better race relations in our community instead of letting you promote your anti-white manifesto. If you want to be seen in the newspaper, please consider writing stories about friends like Officer Fason and me or otherwise teaching us how we can better understand and love each other. 

As a Christian preacher, you should be teaching about love of God and love of neighbor instead of ranting about how whites mistreat everyone else.

Raymond Hamel,
