SETSER: Joining the Rotary Club
Published 11:00 am Sunday, December 15, 2019
- Adam Setser
Nov. 6, 2019, I joined the Rotary Club of Valdosta.
I was introduced to the club by my good friend, Myrna Ballard, president of the chamber of commerce, who sponsored me for membership.
Rotary is refreshing.
Each week, they have a structured meeting at the Conference Center. We begin by reciting the pledge of allegiance to our American Flag, followed by the Rotarian pledge:
“Of whatever we think, say or do, is it the truth, is it fair to all concerned, will it build goodwill and better friendships, will it be beneficial to all concerned?”
This is called the four-way test.
Rotary was started by Christian businessmen in Chicago who wanted to do more good together, starting with their own community.
Which surprised me at first. How rare it is to find a business organization that rises above the level of commerce?
After all, the Rotary slogan is, “Service over self.”
The next segment is called Happy Dollars, where the members are able to share anything with the group that is good news, so long as they donate a dollar or two. Some use this as a commercial for their recent project at work, while others use it to share their life with the club. “My daughter had her baby yesterday” – that kind of thing.
It’s incredibly positive and welcoming, each happy dollar is usually followed by applause and laughter.
Rotary is a volunteer organization. The board, the president, the people who keep it going are all doing it because they believe in it.
Which leads me to research Rotary International, the parent organization for local clubs like ours.
Turns out it is a worldwide club with over 30,000 active clubs holding over 1.2 million members. Together they have successfully eradicated polio worldwide, and taken on incredible humanitarian missions, including literacy (our local club’s current focus).
Rotary, as an organization, is impressive. Our local club is refreshing.
If you don’t believe me, come for a visit — if you think you are up to the Rotarian challenge!
Adam Setser is a financial advisor with Kerrigan Capital and Risk Management, 3543 N. Crossing Circle, Valdosta.
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