BOOKS: A Very Stable Genius: Philip Rucker, Carol Leonnig
Published 11:00 am Saturday, April 11, 2020
- A Very Stable Genius
Strange reading a book such as Philip Rucker and Carol Leonnig’s “A Very Stable Genius: Donald J. Trump’s Testing of America” during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In some ways, it seems almost quaint – the political divide of a more normal time.
The book gets its title from the President Trump’s quote that he is “a very stable genius.” The book’s contents detail how there is nothing stable about the Trump presidency, and whether or not that’s a mark of some kind of genius is debatable.
Chaos seems to be the rule of the day, each day, each page, each chapter of this book chronicling two-plus years of the Trump presidency.
The authors, both Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post reporters, cover a lot of familiar ground to readers who follow the news or have read other books about the Trump presidency. They also find new niches, nuggets and twists in the rambling chaos detailed here.
While it may seem quaint reading about these events now, it is also frightening for the readers who believe what’s in these pages. If the administration was truly this chaotic during normal times, what is it like now?