Kemp relaxes more COVID-19 restrictions

Published 5:36 pm Thursday, June 11, 2020

ATLANTA — Gov. Brian Kemp signed a new executive order Thursday that further relaxes COVID-19 restrictions as cases continue to rise.

Beginning on June 16, medically fragile Georgians are no longer required to shelter-in-place and the restrictions on large gatherings is increased to groups of 50 or more.

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Also starting next Tuesday, restaurants are no longer required to restrict patrons by party size or per square foot of their businesses. Workers are only required to wear face masks when interacting with customers and now bars — which were recently given the green light to open — are allowed to have up to 50 people or 35% of their total capacity, whichever is greater.

Starting July 1, live performance venues are allowed to reopen if they follow a list of criteria and convention events are able to be held if they meet 21 requirements.

Also effective next Tuesday, there is no longer a limit to how many people can sit together at movie theaters and walk-ins will be allowed at body art studios, barber shops, hair salons and massage parlors.

Additional restrictions are placed on overnight summer camps. Campers and workers are not allowed to attend an overnight camp unless they have received a negative coronavirus test within 12 days prior to starting camp — previously it was within seven days.

The order comes as Georgia nears 55,000 coronavirus cases and hit 2,375 related deaths.

The order extends through June 30.