HANNAN: Post ‘No Trespassing’ signs for Satan
Published 6:00 am Tuesday, September 21, 2021
According to the Scriptures, if you are a born-again Believer and follower of Jesus Christ, you have been adopted into the family of God. You belong to Him. Your life was bought with a price – the death of Jesus on the cross. And you are now and forever the precious property of your heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus who watch over you.
However, many Christians are allowing Satan, the sworn enemy of God and anyone who loves Him, to tread on holy ground where he has no right to be. They are allowing him to trespass on their heavenly Father’s property (their lives). They have invited him into their life by doing things that go against God’s Word and perfect will and plan for his children. They have left the gate open for the enemy to come onto God’s property, where Satan is now wreaking havoc.
The Bible says that Satan has come to “steal, kill and destroy” (John 10:10). And that is what he is doing in their lives. He’s building wildfires on their property, chopping down mature, beautiful trees, and using them as firewood, eating up all the fruit on the land and giving it to his friends because make no mistake about it, he always brings his friends once he has been invited.
Some of his closest friends are – distractions, discontentment and depression. But he also travels in the company of – confusion, corruption and condemnation, and a whole host of others.
Some Christians need to ask the Lord to post a “No Trespassing” sign, written in the precious blood of Jesus, that says – “Violators will be prosecuted!” The enemy knows his day is coming, so he is trying to wreak all the havoc he can while he can, and especially in the lives of Believers.
Christian, if you know that you have willingly or unwittingly invited the enemy and his minions onto your property, it’s time to post that No Trespassing sign. You have the legal right to run him off your property – today! You have asked him nicely, you have prayed and tried to get him off the property in your strength and by “your” authority but now it’s time to take drastic measures. It’s time to take legal action.
The nice thing is, you don’t have to hire an attorney. The most powerful Counselor there is, Jesus Christ, already represents you. He is your legal authority; He is your advocate.
All you have to do is go to Jesus, humble yourself before Him and ask Him to forgive you for allowing Satan onto His property. Confess those sins to Him. Tell on Satan and what kind of destruction he has caused. Ask Jesus to make him leave the premises. With your permission, He will.
And then, by the authority you have in Christ, in the name of Jesus, take that “No Trespassing” sign to the place where Satan and his minions are camping and nail it to the fence post, and tell them Jesus said they must leave! Then they will have no choice but to flee.
“So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7)
The enemy knows his time is coming when he will be prosecuted by the highest court and will be thrown into the eternal lake of fire.
“And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night forever and ever.” (Revelation 20:10)
Do not allow the enemy to camp on your property one minute longer, my friend! Post that no trespassing sign today. And with the Lord’s help, you can start the cleanup efforts on your property and start planting good seeds that will grow and produce much fruit in the days, weeks and years ahead!
Lisa Hannan lives in Valdosta with her husband, attorney Miles Hannan, who has been practicing law in Valdosta for more than 30 years. She has a B.S. in psychology from Valdosta State University. You can find her at www.lisahannan.org.