LHS Class of 1971 sets reunion

Published 10:00 am Friday, February 25, 2022

VALDOSTA – The Lowndes High School Class of 1971 will hold its 50th reunion, 6-11 p.m., March 26, at the Valdosta Country Club, 3500 Country Club Road.

Organizers said in a statement the attire for the reunion is dressy casual.

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The cost to attend is $50 per person and the amount is due by March 1.

People wishing to attend should send payment to: Farmers & Merchants Bank – Shirley Henry, 3303 Inner Perimeter Road: P.O. Box 3580, Valdosta, GA 31605. Check should be made payable to: Class of 71 Reunion.

For more information, call Barbara (229) 292-3693 or Iris (229) 563-7562 or email barbarawaldron6@gmail.com