Viral video shows youth football coach strike player

Published 9:00 am Saturday, December 12, 2020

KISSIMMEE, Fla. — A viral video of an adult coach pushing a young player has led to charges for a Savannah, Georgia youth football coach.

The video, posted to Facebook and Twitter, shows the coach, identified by multiple sources as Gerrel Williams of Savannah, striking the young player on the helmet as well as shaking the helmet while it was on the player’s head.

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Yahoo!Sports reports the coach has been banned for life from the American Youth Football organization. The incident took place at a tournament in Kissimmee, Fla.

The Savannah Morning News reported it had talked to the mother of the child, but she said she did not believe the coach meant harm. Williams is facing charges, however, from Osceola County, Fla.

Friday, Yahoo!Sports reported that the Osceola County Sheriff’s Office said it would be pursuing child abuse charges against Williams.