School board reviews student speech policy

Published 2:00 pm Tuesday, June 22, 2021

VALDOSTA – The Valdosta Board of Education is reviewing possible adoption of a rights and responsibilities policy that will determine how students can speak – or pray – prior to school-related events.

The discussion on the adoption of the policy or one similar to it began more than a year ago. 

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The measure was prompted by letters sent to Valdosta City Schools from the Freedom From Religion Foundation regarding prayers prior to Wildcat football games.

“Because of the letters that we received from Freedom From Religion, we decided by way of discussion with the legal counsel that it would be in our best interest to adopt a policy,” Superintendent Dr. Todd Cason said.

The first read of the JC: Student Rights and Responsibilities was given at the last Valdosta City School Board of Education meeting.

It addresses student rights and responsibilities in private speech, noting student expression of religious viewpoints, and student speakers at graduation and non-graduation events.

“Continue to allow our students to have freedom of expression and speech,” Cason said. “We feel comfortable if the board adopts the policy.”

The city school board reviews the policy again this week.

Lowndes County Board of Education adopted a similar policy a few years ago after receiving a similar letter from the organization.