
Theis & Renfro

Ken and Ginger Theis of Valdosta are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Jordan Theis to ...


Stakich & Walker

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stakich of Valdosta are proud to announce the engagement of their daughter, Jennifer Rose ...


Stakich & Walker

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stakich of Valdosta are proud to announce the engagement of their daughter, Jennifer Rose ...


Prine & Schroepfer

Gary Prine and Mitzi and Hubby Brooks of Valdosta are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter ...


Butenschon & Strickland

Kevin and Kendra Butenschon of Hahira are proud to announce the engagement of their daughter, Taylor Brooke Butenschon, ...


Wilkins & Ross

Rob and Diane Wilkins of Malibu, California are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Dr. Elizabeth ...


Ellis & McConnell

Dr. Iris Ellis and Mr. Randall Craig Ellis of Valdosta announce the engagement of their daughter, Dr. Whitney ...


Davis & Tucker

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robert Tucker of Hahira are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Alison ...


Hogan & Crumpton

Mr. and Mrs. Neal and Mary Jane Walker Jr. of Valdosta and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest and Willow ...


Griffin & Price

Tim and Katrina Griffin of Norman Park and Lisa Griffin of Quitman are pleased to announce the engagement ...

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