Valdosta BOE discusses hiring, retention of teachers
Published 11:13 am Friday, October 13, 2023
- The Valdosta City Schools Board of Education approved several financial proposals including the purchase of new buses during Tuesday’s regular session meeting. The Valdosta City Schools Board of Education's next scheduled work session meeting is for Sept. 26 at Pinevale Elementary School.
VALDOSTA — The Valdosta City Schools Board of Education approved a partnership with ABAC and heard from a teacher with concerns about teacher incentives Tuesday evening.
VCS Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning Dr. Alissa Sasser was the first individual to approach the board during the regular meeting. She introduced a memorandum agreement with Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College.
The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with ABAC is to continue to support teacher recruitment and retention efforts in the district. They would like to have clinical placements in our district along with student teachers.
“Our district retention rate for teachers is 82% with the state being somewhere between 89% or 90%,” Sasser said.
She continued stating the district only had about three vacancies for teacher positions at the beginning of the 2023-2024 academic year.
Valdosta City Schools currently has pipeline partnerships with Valdosta State University and Thomas University.
“A partnership with ABAC will afford the district an opportunity to recruit and retain teacher candidates who have clinical and/or student teaching placements in the district,” Sasser said.
Board Member Juilian Sherwood of District 5 made a motion to approve and Board Member At-Large Brittney Coons-Long seconded the motion before Board Member Warren Lee of District 3 initiated a discussion.
The board unanimously approved the agreement.
Lee stated that he would like the district to consider contacting Albany State University for more partnerships.
Superintendent Dr. Craig Lockhart ensured the administration would do so.
Adrian Marsh, a teacher at J.L. Newbern Middle School, addressed the board regarding teacher incentives prior to its adjournment for executive session.
He asked, “What are you all’s plans to keep and retain dedicated teachers like myself?” Marsh pitched breakfasts, enhancements to the benefits plans, stipends for certain departments based on performance, bonuses, more district-wide socials every nine weeks for fellowship and networking and more collaboration with stakeholders in the community.
Lockhart ensured he would speak with Marsh soon.
Other actions
The board approved an eWalk, a data reporting platform, that will allow school and district leaders to provide instant feedback on instruction to teachers in all VCS school campuses. The program will be purchased using CARES funds.
Shared documents said, “Recent feedback from a Georgia Professional Standards Commission instructional walkthrough at the five elementary schools and feedback provided from K-12 Solutions on Math unit assessments indicate that improving rigor is an area of growth for the district. The data collected through the use of this platform will be used to address the areas of growth and to determine professional development needs for the purpose of supporting continuous school improvement.” Valdosta High School’s Beta Club will attend the state convention trip following a unanimous approval from the board and a presentation from Aqila Blankumsee and Ebony Bennett. The teachers said all Beta Club members are welcome to attend and the trip will cost $100 per student.
Lockhart followed by introducing a new board policy update. The policy will be tabled for 30 days for public comment and the board will revisit it next month. Shared documents explained that the Georgia Department of Audits is requiring school districts to have policies to address GASB 87 – Lease Agreements and GASB 96 Subscription Based Information Technology Arrangements. The superintendent clarified that the policy is new and is needed in order for the Board of Education to be in compliance.
The next Board of Education meeting is Tuesday, Oct. 24, at J. L. Newbern Middle School scheduled at 7 p.m.