Ga. ag department assessing Idalia damage
Published 3:30 pm Friday, September 1, 2023
- The Georgia Department of Agriculture released a graphic charting the effect of Hurricane Idalia on South Georgia agriculture.
VALDOSTA – Georgia Department of Agriculture is assessing damage to Lowndes County and other South Georgia farms in the wake of Hurricane Idalia.
The Department of Agriculture is processing reports of damage to crops, pecan trees, agricultural operations and infrastructure, and other GDA-regulated entities across South Georgia, GDA representatives said in a statement.
GDA staff is surveying and assessing the damage caused by Hurricane Idalia and is beginning the recovery process.
“As a seventh-generation farmer, I know firsthand the devastating impacts severe weather can have not only on our farmers and producers but on rural communities, local economies and our state’s economy as a whole,” Agriculture Commissioner Tyler Harper said. “Since Monday, we’ve been onsite at the State Operations Center monitoring Hurricane Idalia, and our team and I are on the ground in South Georgia assessing the damage and speaking directly with impacted farmers, producers and business owners.
“We are working overtime, in coordination with our state and federal partners, to ensure farmers, producers and other GDA licensed operations impacted by Idalia have the resources they need to recover and bounce back stronger than before.”
Across multiple divisions and programs, the Georgia Department of Agriculture licenses and regulates approximately 13,000 businesses located in the area impacted by Hurricane Idalia.
These GDA divisions and programs include law enforcement & emergency management division, animal industry division, companion animal/equine program, livestock & poultry program, Georgia Meat Inspection Service, food safety division, food & feed rapid response team, state agriculture response team, retail food program, animal health division, Office of the State Veterinarian, agricultural inputs division, and fuel & measures division.
Department staff are taking a risk-based approach, starting with businesses and operations in areas that experienced the most severe winds and flooding and working outwards.
The department is working with farmers and business owners on the ground, industry leaders and University of Georgia Extension, as well state and federal leadership to ensure the needs of every Georgian are met and that they have the resources needed to recover, ag representatives said.
Initial Damage Assessments and Response
Officials said Friday it’s early in the assessment process but an initial summary of observed and reported damage was reported at the end of the week.
“It will likely take weeks, if not months, to understand the full scope of the damage,” ag officials said.
Crops & Agricultural Operations/Facilities
Multiple reports of downed pecan trees throughout the impacted area of Lowndes, Echols, Cook, Brooks, Pierce, Wilcox, Irwin, Ben Hill and Crisp counties – possibly more.
Multiple reports of tobacco crop on the ground unable to be harvested and likely loss of tobacco crop left in the field.
Some produce damage with produce plastic torn and ripped up in some areas.
Field corn down and in some case not able to be harvested, likely resulting in loss of corn still left in fields.
Sweet corn laid down in the field.
Some cotton twisted but likely recoverable.
Minimal pine tree/forestry damage observed or reported.
Hay barns, sheds and other agricultural facilities mangled or torn down.
Reports of irrigation pivots twisted and/or turned over.
Power outages at livestock, dairy and poultry facilities.
Dairies: Four Dairy operations on generators Friday, three 3 in Brooks County, one in Thomas County.
Swine: Two Swine operations on generators Friday – one in Berrien County, one in Brooks County.
Poultry: Multiple poultry operations on generators Friday in Coffee County.
Two operations reported roof damage.
Two flooded poultry houses.
Stockyards: No damage reported Friday at local stockyards, expected to resume normal operations the following week.
Georgia Department of Agriculture Facilities
Valdosta State Farmer’s Market sustained roof damage.
Savannah State Farmer’s Market without power, no other damage reporter.
GDA Regulated Facilities
Animal Industry
Several poultry houses have reported damage due to wind, power outages and flooding – steps have been taken to mitigate these situations.
Fifty-four animal shelter checks have been made in 25 counties, eight have reported damage or power outages, all staff and animals reported safe.
No damage reported at livestock markets, normal operations expected to resume next week.
Some licensed meat processing facilities have reported power outages, generators are being used to maintain and store meat at proper temperatures.
Animal Health
The office of the state veterinarian issued a discretionary enforcement notice suspending enforcement of animal entry requirements until Sept. 30.
Reports of three veterinary practices in the Valdosta area sustaining damage and/or loss of power.
Animal owners in the affected areas: “Be on the lookout for changes in normal behavior in your animals due to the stressful conditions created by Hurricane Idalia,” officials said. “If you notice any changes, please reach out to your veterinarian immediately.”
Food Safety
Assessment of GDA food safety regulated facilities started Friday.
Multi-agency Food & Feed Rapid Response Teams have been activated as well as the State Agricultural Response Team.
GDA Food Safety has developed an emergency response online self-reporting form for regulated entities to report damage.
Food safety will assess and address damage on a risk-basis to ensure the safety and security of the food supply in impacted areas, officials said.