City recognizes Black business owners

Published 8:45 am Friday, August 12, 2022

VALDOSTA – In honor of national Black Business Month, Black Philanthropy Month and Pan-African Women’s Month, Mayor Scott James Matheson proclaimed August as Black Business and Black Philanthropy Month in the city of Valdosta.

The proclamation was presented to the Black Business Alliance of Valdosta in an effort to recognize local businesses and 2.6 million black-owned businesses across the nation, while highlighting the economic impact in their communities. Matheson said such an impact “moves the needle greatly” in Valdosta and deserves to be honored.

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Council member Sandra Tooley said the city wanted to show support for Black business owners in Valdosta and provide an avenue for them to be appreciated.

“We are really excited that so many Black businesses are coming together through the Black Business Alliance. We want to give attention to them to let them know we’re here, and they have our support. This is something that a lot of cities in the state of Georgia have been having,” she said.

“I want to add that thanks to Executive Order 3985 and Executive Order 10050, our President (Joe) Biden said Black businesses in Valdosta and statewide have contributed substantially to the economic state of our cities, and I want our Black business owners to know that the Black Business Alliance is here. We’re here to support you in any way we can,” she said. 

Dewayne Johnson, owner of BridgeBuilder Education and Investments, accepted the proclamation on behalf of the BBAV and stated that the achievements and nationwide influence of Black businesses are well worth celebrating.

“We know that we have Black businesses, but even in our area, we’re not necessarily aware of how many we have. So this effort with the Black Business Month celebration, that does recognize and highlight the efforts that we’ve made, especially in this community,” he said.

“We just want to make sure that it is known this is definitely an opportunity that we’re thankful for. For this to be an annual celebration every August, this provides an opportunity for us to celebrate it in a way that increases the tourism industry here in Valdosta as we grow,” he said. “So, that is something that we are asking for, and we want to make sure that we’re supported in a way that brings economic impact, education, economic resources and technical systems to our business partners.”

Matheson concluded by stating he urges all Valdosta residents to join the city in recognizing Black businesses and nonprofits for their valuable contributions throughout the city.