The Face(book) of a New Business Generation
Published 11:37 pm Saturday, March 13, 2010
- Dustin Swedelson, sports update anchor, co-host of the Scott James Show, and host of the Dustin Swedelson Show, online and networking while on the air with Scott James, back, during the show Friday morning.
Facebook and Twitter are just a few of the social media Web sites that are taking over the world. With every minute of every day, regular people share with the world about what they are doing and thinking.
Now businesses are doing the same.
Many local businesses are using social media, whether it is to keep their current customers informed about upcoming events or to hopefully attract new clientele.
In a recent survey of 500 small business owners by the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business, researchers found that small businesses using social media to interact with customers had doubled from 12 percent to 24 percent in the last year.
Local businesses such as Valdosta Family Medicine to the First Baptist Church in Quitman have began using social media.
“I think Facebook has helped expose our business to customers,” Sandra McDonald, owner of Sign-A-Rama, said. “We are a one-stop sign business but most people don’t know that until they view our photo albums and look at the different types of signs and banners we use.”
Sign-A-Rama uses Facebook to help keep in contact with customers and to spread the word about the business on the Internet.
“We have photo albums in which we post our customers’ signs and banners,” McDonald said. “Our customers appreciate the ‘free’ advertising.”
McDonald, who owns the business with her husband, Carter, says that Sign-A-Rama refers customers to their Facebook page to get ideas about signs or banners when they don’t know what they want.
“I definitely think social media has attracted more customers,” she said. “We have a Web page as well but using Facebook puts us in front of people on a daily basis, or whenever we put a post on our page.”
Radio host Dustin Swedelson from Talk 92.1 agrees with McDonald.
“(Using) social media has helped me not only expand my listener base of my radio show but has also helped me keep in touch with my current listeners,” Swedelson said. “I post my guest list for my show daily and it allows the people following me and the show to know what to expect each day.”
According to Swedelson, it has also become a way for he and his guests to interact with the listeners and to find out what they want to hear and discuss.
Swedelson uses both Facebook and Twitter to stay in contact with listeners. In an easier twist, his Facebook posts are automatically updated on his Twitter account.
“Because my Twitter (account) is also my personal page, people can see my various opinions outside of the show and debate with me if they don’t want to call in,” Swedelson said. “Twitter has also added a lot of new listeners to my show and has helped me as far as networking (with) some other sports media members. The (show’s) Facebook page has gotten more people to respond back and forth with me and they’re mostly people who listen to the show.”
According to Swedelson, he keeps in contact with listeners to keep up the momentum of his Facebook page and his Twitter account.
“Where an e-mail is a little formal these days, a Facebook post or a tweet is usually something people can do without much care and so can I,” he said.
Wild Adventures Water & Theme Park uses Facebook and Twitter the same way that Swedelson uses them for his radio show.
“Social media tools, like Facebook and Twitter, have allowed our guests to send us immediate feedback about their park visit and we are able to hear what our guests would like to experience at the park in terms of concerts, rides, shows and events,” Micha Hogan, public relations coordinator at Wild Adventures, said.
Wild Adventures receives more comments and activity on their Facebook page, rather than Twitter, Hogan said.
On Facebook, Wild Adventures’ followers can view photos, RSVP to concerts and events and see what others are saying about the theme park.
“There is a sense of community and conversation on Facebook that our (Wild Adventures) fans don’t have on Twitter,” Hogan said. “Our guests are curious about what is going on in the park, especially prior to the opening of the 2010 season. Social media is a way to keep them up to date with park activities.”
Wild Adventures also uses its Facebook page to give away special prizes to its Facebook followers. Last weekend, the theme park gave away the opportunity to be one of the first to ride the new ride, Viking Voyage.
Other businesses are also using social media to give followers special opportunities.
Down Home Party Rentals, a small party rental company out of Quitman, is using Facebook to spread the word about its business.
“We offer specials to our Facebook fans and we also have random giveaways and discounts,” Brandi Sumler of Down Home Party Rentals said. “We see (Facebook) as a way to reach our customers on a more personal level. It’s a great networking tool and it is going to help spread the word of (the company).”
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Getting more out of your business’ Facebook account
1. Create a fan page — While you can make a personal account for your business, creating a fan page will allow people to actually become ‘fans’ of your business. Having a fan page is almost like having a Web site. Whenever someone becomes a fan of your business, your updates will show on their News Feed wall.
2. Update regularly — Updating your business’ Facebook page will keep the business fresh in your customers’ mind. There’s no need to update every hour, but at least once a day to let your customers know what is going on, such as sales or discounts you are offering.
3. Use Facebook applications — On Facebook, there are several applications that you can use such as events, photos, videos and more. Upload content on your Facebook account such as photos from a special event that your business held. Use the events application to invite customers to a special blowout sale.
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10 free social media tools
1. Facebook –
2. Twitter –
3. MySpace –
4. LinkedIn –
5. FriendFeed –
6. YouTube –
7. Wordpress –
8. Blogger –
9. Flickr –
10. StumbleUpon –