COMIC BOOKS: The Avengers No. 1 … Again

Published 11:00 am Saturday, May 27, 2023

Seems like there’s a new Avengers title every six months or a new reboot of the main Avengers every few years.

It seems that way because it is that way. and every six months is generous. It’s likely closer to every other month for a new title.

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As for the main title, “The Avengers” No. 1 was released this past week … again, starting the story arc featuring the creative team of Jed MacKay, C.F. Villa and Federico Blee.

“Reboot” is technically the wrong word. Marvel Comics – the comic books – doesn’t reboot its characters and storylines in the traditional sense. Everything is a continuation.

So, this new “Avengers” No. 1 is steeped in the team’s nearly 60-year history but marks the start of a new creative team and new membership lineup: Captain Marvel, leader, Thor, Iron-Man, the Sam Wilson Captain America, the Scarlet Witch, Black Panther and the Vision.

Captain Marvel picks her team carefully. Not only for their powers but what they will represent to the public.

For example, she asks Sam Wilson to join as Captain America rather than Steve Rogers because she wants his skills but also his common touch. She already has a thunder god and a king on the team so she doesn’t need the larger-than-life, man-from-another-time Steve Rogers. MacKay’s writing is strong, combining insight, humor, knowledge of the characters’ histories and a sense of adventure into the story. Villa knows how to illustrate both epic and personal moments – a winning combination for a book like “The Avengers.”

Fan response to a new “Avengers” No. 1 has been critical and sarcastic and sadly appropriate. As noted, it seems like the team is revamped on a regular basis, or a new off-shoot of the Avengers is introduced. There were so many side-Avengers books during Jason Aaron’s run that even if a reader never missed an issue of “The Avengers,” he may have felt lost issue to issue.

That said, the response is appropriate to the announcement; however, anyone giving this first issue a chance should be easily swept away by the enthusiasm of the creative team and the characters. While readers may be jaded, MacKay, Villa and colorist Blee are not. They are excited to be here and that excitement feels contagious.

This looks like an “Avengers” that may be both fun and impactful again.