COMIC BOOKS: Batman: Three Jokers
Published 10:00 am Saturday, November 28, 2020
- Three Jokers
Batman, Batgirl and Red Hood face three Jokers.
The Joker: Criminal. Clown. Comedian.
Which one is the real Joker? Is there more than one Joker? Are there more than three Jokers?
Writer Geoff Johns and artist Jason Fabok create a storyline that will have readers seeing the clown prince of crime/agent of chaos differently and will have them debating the conclusion for years.
“Batman: Three Jokers” originally published in three installments. All three issues have now been published together in a prestige hard-cover edition, also available online.
Batman, Batgirl and Red Hood each have reasons for despising the Joker.
Batman has been stabbed, shot and tormented by the Joker. Every time he’s captured, the Joker escapes, killing and hurting more people, even people close to Batman.
The Joker shot Barbara Gordon/Batgirl, leaving her paralyzed.
The Joker beat Jason Todd – who was then Robin, later the Red Hood – so savagely that Batman and the world thought the youngster was dead.
Possibly, each one faced a different Joker. Perhaps, each Joker has been seeking a more perfect foil for Batman.
“Batman: Three Jokers” is part of DC Comics Black Label, meaning the storyline is adult themed and not meant for children.
“Batman: Three Jokers” touches upon many past Joker traditions while creating an entirely different perspective on Batman’s arch-enemy.