Greater Valdosta United Way reaches 85% of campaign goal

Published 12:00 pm Tuesday, January 23, 2024

VALDOSTA – Greater Valdosta United Way has reached 85% of its campaign goal, according to organization officials.

In October 2023, Greater Valdosta United Way launched its “Uniting for More” fundraising campaign with a goal of $1 million at its kickoff breakfast event.

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With a mission to mobilize the caring power of the community and a vision to better the lives of all community members, GVUW focuses to advocate the common good by investing in education, income and health.

The Valdosta-based organization serves 11 counties including Atkinson, Bacon, Berrien, Brooks, Clinch, Coffee, Echols, Lanier, Jeff Davis, Lowndes, and Ware. They support 44 programs across 22 local partners or “impact” partner nonprofits.

President and CEO Michael Smith told the Valdosta Daily Times Monday afternoon that GVUW has reached 85% of its goal but is still fundraising to reach its full amount.

“We’re at 85%. We still need companies and organizations to turn in packets or individuals who have their pledges or checks to mail them to 1609 North Patterson [Street]. We’ll know more and finalize the campaign by mid-February as we move to the allocation process through the Community Investment Committee,” he explained.

The committee will begin reviewing and scoring applications, conducting site visits and interviewing the non-profit organizations in the upcoming weeks. The GVUW Board of Directors will make the final recommendation of funding tentatively on Feb. 20.

Smith said the new funding allocations will begin on March 1 and goes through December this year.

According to its 2024 campaign packet, the Greater Valdosta United Way (GVUW) raised $1,179,040, equaling 110%, of its projected campaign goal last year. The documents showed that GVUW was able to assist 102 families, distribute approximately $17,000 to non-partner nonprofit organizations and distribute $691,000 to local non-profit partner organizations.

“We really appreciate the community’s support and the giving nature to help the human service sector across the region,” he said.

For more information or inquiries, please contact the Greater Valdosta United Way at (229) 242-2208 or