Home for the Holidays: Airman wins trip home in essay contest
Published 11:00 am Tuesday, December 29, 2020
- Airman 1st Class Jasmine M. Barnes | Air ForceAirman Alexus Paglinawan, 822nd Base Defense Squadron fireteam member, holds a Home for the Holidays certificate at Moody Air Force Base. Paglinawan was the winner of the Home for the Holidays contest this year hosted by the Moody AFB First Sergeant Council.
MOODY AIR FORCE BASE – The Moody Air Force Base First Sergeant Council held a Home for the Holidays essay contest for dorm residents here.
Airman Alexus Paglinawan, 822d Base Defense Squadron fireteam member, won the contest and was awarded the opportunity to travel home, to Hawaii, for free.
“(In my essay), I spoke from the heart and told my story in hopes that someone would listen and that’s what happened,” Paglinawan said. “I feel like this opportunity will have Moody airmen feeling like there is someone looking out for them and helping them (stay) mentally, physically and emotionally ready for the mission.”
In their essays, contestants had to explain why they deserve to win free travel home for the holidays.
“The (essay contest) idea was thought about and voted on as a way to give back to our airmen,” said Master Sgt. Jesse Lesko, 23rd Fighter Group first sergeant. “We know how hard it is to not be with family for the holidays so we are paying for an airline ticket or gas.”
Paglinawan’s essay explained how her family was not able to witness her graduate basic military training earlier this year due to the pandemic, nor was she able to fly back home due to expenses.
“I was overwhelmed with appreciation when I realized that I won the contest,” Paglinawan said. “I felt very honored to be given this opportunity to go back to my family after almost a year (of being separated) … (and) to return even stronger for the year to come.”