UPDATE: Sheppard now in custody
Published 9:15 am Tuesday, January 10, 2017
VALDOSTA — Despite back and forth reports of whether in custody or not in custody, a former Valdosta State University student who received national attention for walking on the American flag was taken into custody Monday evening on a probation violation, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Authorities have warrants claiming Eric Sheppard violated terms of his probation recently by traveling to Texas; the warrants also claim harassing calls were made while in Texas, said Lowndes County Sheriff Ashley Paulk.
Sheppard is reportedly not allowed to leave the state under the terms of his probation.
Initial reports claimed Sheppard was already in custody but he was not in custody as of Monday afternoon, according to the FBI. As of Monday evening, Sheppard was taken into custody Monday evening in Cobb County.
In August 2016, Sheppard was sentenced to three years probation after pleading guilty to a firearm charge, according to past reports.He also received a $32 per month supervision fee; $50 crime lab fee; a $2,000 fine; reimbursement of $1,036 to Lowndes County Sheriff’s Office for expenses in bringing him back from Tampa, Fla., following his arrest there, according to court officials.
Conditions of Sheppard’s probation include a search clause, 120 hours of community service work, no contact with VSU, Shealy said.
Sheppard pleaded guilty May 31 to one count of carrying a weapon in a school safety zone.
The case stems from an incident where a gun — a loaded, .45-calber Springfield XD — was found in a book bag on the VSU campus, April 21, 2015.
VSU police and the Valdosta Police Department connected the weapon to Sheppard in the days after he had walked across an American flag on campus in April 2015.
Sheppard’s protest received national attention when former Air Force trainer and Playboy model Michelle Manhart attempted to stop further protests by taking the flag. Campus police detained but did not arrest Manhart. Police returned the flag to the protestors.
A few days later, authorities discovered the gun on campus. VSU police investigators connected the gun to the suspect through pawn shop receipts.
A warrant was issued for Sheppard’s arrest, and authorities spent several weeks looking for him. While avoiding custody, Sheppard shared a manifesto with The Valdosta Daily Times claiming he would “annihilate” anyone who tried to take him into custody. The manifesto also condemned all white people and police.
Sheppard was arrested in Tampa, Fla. He was extradited to Lowndes County.
He was granted bond at $25,000, on several conditions, such as being banned from VSU campus, banned from social media, confinement to his mother’s Cobb County residence from 7 p.m.-7 a.m., restricted to staying in Cobb County, wearing an ankle monitor, and being monitored daily by the Southern District Attorney’s office.