Valdosta City Schools sets 2016-17 calendar
Published 3:05 pm Thursday, January 28, 2016
- The Valdosta Board of Education recognized the winners of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Poem and Poster Contest at the Tuesday night meeting. Jennifer Dandron l The Valdosta Daily Times
VALDOSTA – The Valdosta City Schools Board of Education unanimously approved the new calendar for the 2016-17 school year Tuesday night at its workshop meeting held at Valdosta Middle School.
The new school year will begin Friday, Aug. 5. Both Lowndes County Schools and Valdosta City Schools are set to end on May 19, according to school officials.
The board distributed a survey to gain insight into the teachers, staff and community’s thoughts prior to voting.
The survey contained two calendar options, with the start date of the new school year being the main difference.
Option A, the calendar approved by the VBOE, received 273 votes out of the total 527 votes placed. Option B moved the start date from Friday, Aug. 5 to Monday, Aug. 8. Option B received 254 votes.
Dr. Todd Cason, superintendent of Valdosta City Schools, opposed Option A, saying attendance is usually down when schools start on a Friday versus a Monday.
“I’m really not in favor of starting school on a Friday,” said Cason. “Many of our kids will elect to stay home. I would prefer for us to start that Monday.”
Vanassa Flucas, board member for District 2, said she feels starting school on a Friday won’t make much of difference because attendance rates fluctuate for the first week of school.
“It’s great that we all have our opinions, but I think it would greatly discourage people if we have them take a survey and then don’t listen to their voice,” Flucas said. “If Option A got the most votes, we should go with that.”
The board also voted to approve the travel of Valdosta High School’s Academic Team to participate in the National Academic Quiz Tournament. The tournament will be in Dallas, Texas., May 28-29. The average cost per student is approximately $600, according to Hazel Keith, team sponsor.
Bob Jones, director of finance for Valdosta City Schools, reported the revenues and expenditures of Fiscal Year 2015-16 are on track with where it should be.
“Revenue is coming in as expected,” Jones said. “On the expenditure side, it’s same thing. Everything is looking good with no surprises.”
The Year-to-Date General Fund Revenues for the school system totals $24,286,098. The General Fund Expenditures are $23,310,157, according to official documents.
The board recognized student winners of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Poem and Poster Contest.
Jennifer Dandron is a reporter at the Valdosta Daily Times. She can be reached at (229) 244-3400 ext. 1255.