ELZA: Elites must act now to protect our politics

Published 9:00 am Sunday, July 18, 2021

The Republicans held a meeting of their large contributors called CPAC, an organization of conservatives who give big bucks to mainly Republicans. It was packed with Trump supporters and the speakers repeated the Big Lie to much applause. The fact that America had not met its goal of vaccinated people also evoked applause. Members of the Proud Boys not only were there but were welcomed. This is another example of the extremes taking over mainstream politics. The Republican party has moved so far to the right that it may not be able to return to the middle.

One of the reasons bad rulers come to power is the elites sometimes think they can control their leaders. They may like some of the things a leader stands for and think that they can work with him or her. They soon discover such leaders can be uncontrollable and that whatever they gain by co-operation is overwhelmed by a bad leader’s agenda and whims. By the time they rectify their mistakes, it is often too late. This has been repeated in history. 

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Now is the time for American elites to act to protect their own interests and the interests of the United States. Those people who pride themselves on working behind the scenes to steer a steady course should now take steps to stop the return of a demigod to power. They have exercised that power before to prevent Blacks and women from winning elections. They can use it now to stop Trump supporters from being nominated or winning primaries.

I forget the year that JoAnn Hartman ran for mayor in Valdosta. She was a popular candidate and was considered a shoo-in for the post. Some white males decided Valdosta wasn’t ready for a female mayor and ran a third party candidate to draw votes away from her. It worked. They weren’t the only ones doing this. Throughout the country, the ‘powers that be’ took legal steps to ensure that the powers that be remained in their hands. If they do not act now, they will find that pandering will strip them of their powers and ultimately, their self-respect.

In the l950’s, elites throughout the South formed White Citizens Councils which supported the resistance to integration. Composed of mayors, city councilmen, prominent businessmen, the councils took out ads, held rallies, gave speeches, wrote articles in papers. They threw their respectability into defying integration. It was only when it was inevitable (and supported by federal troops) that they gave in and worked-behind the scenes, of course-to ensure peaceful integration.

Historically, elites have supported far right causes and leaders. Look at Fox News and the other clones being funded by millionaires and billionaires. Fear of the left, any left, has blinded them to the dangers of right-wing fanatics. But this is not addressed to the close minded millionaires in Georgia, this is addressed to state movers and shakers because it is on the state level that we can in fact fight.

I am proud that state elected officials did their jobs so well during the last election. I am angry and scared that they caved immediately to the demands of the Trump supporters. They are trying to handle the situation in a way that will make their voters happy, but they are coming to believe that the only voters they have to satisfy are Trump supporters. Other voices need to be heard. They aren’t listening to the average voter. Maybe they will listen to the elite. I encourage whatever elite is out there to stand behind these officials doing the right things and giving them some backbone.

It shows you how really disturbed I am about what’s happening in America that I make this appeal to elites. Normally I would appeal to the people to speak out, to vote their convictions, and to persuade the country of the rightness of their positions and I do. But, and that’s a big but, history has shown us how a vulnerable population can be swayed by a fanatic minority bent on power, led by a charismatic demigod. I encourage whatever elite is out there to act now to keep the mainstream the center of American politics. Being swallowed by the Trump supporters is not in your best interest.


Dr. Jane Elza, Ph.D., retired, is a resident of Valdosta.