GIBSON: Tending a nation of sheep

Published 6:00 am Tuesday, May 5, 2020

There is a book titled “A Nation of Sheep.”

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This pandemic is turning us into such a people  willing to accept every mandate without question. It is sad that thousands have died and even more thousands will follow. However, 3 million Americans die every year. So, let’s keep it in perspective. This is not to belittle the seriousness of this disease, but, we are giving up our liberty for a little bit of perceived security. 

Democratic Gov. Phillips of New Jersey was asked by what authority he had to nullify the Bill of Rights. He said he wasn’t thinking about the Bill of Rights when he issued his order. When pressed, he said, “That’s above my pay grade …,” a stupid reply from the state’s top executive. 

In our state of Georgia, over 1,500 people died in traffic accidents in 2018 and tens of thousands more were maimed and some permanently disabled. (2018 is the most recent date that I could find statistics). So, should we ban automobiles, it would save more lives than have died of this virus. Thousands more die of heart attacks and strokes each year. So, why not ban eating steak and save more lives. Also we could practically cure lung cancer if we ban cigarettes.

This virus is most devastating to the elderly and others with underlying diseases. Therefore, our efforts should go to protecting them. They and those with symptoms or exposure are the only ones who should be quarantined/sheltered. 

A large number who get this virus don’t even know they’ve had it. Others will feel a little sick for a few days. Also, almost half the cases were and are in New York. The reason for that is a subject for another day. Factor out New York and statistics are much more favorable nationwide.

Since money and politics have gotten involved statistics have become unreliable. Doctors nationwide are reporting that they are being pressured to list COVID-19 as cause of death. Does that surprise anyone, since Medicare pays hospitals $13,000 or more for every COVID-19 case. On April 14, New York revised their figures up by 3,778 COVID-19 deaths of patients who had not been tested.

For the most part, Americans are a responsible people. Even so, everyone will not follow rules and laws; that is why we have prisons. Therefore, as a free people, we have a responsibility to learn how to protect ourselves from them. We need the government to educate and advise us. We don’t need bureaucratic intellectual derelicts mandating what we must or must not do. 

I applaud Gov. Kemp for opening the economy early. In my opinion, as well as many doctors, it never should have closed. Had it not, more people may or may not have died. But, also more will die if they continue to drive cars, smoke cigarettes, or eat steaks. The point is that life is fraught with danger and we must educate ourselves and take responsibility for our own safety.

As serious as COVID-19 is, closing the economy was over-reacting. That remedy, in the long run, will be far worse than the malady. Consider this, because of sheltering, suicides have increased, so has child abuse, spousal abuse, depression, stress, alcohol problems, financial ruin, bankruptcy, and even a weakened immune system for the entire population, etc.

There are still evil rogue nations that would like to destroy us, and what better way than this? You can rest assured that our enemies have taken notice of how we have and continue to react to this pandemic. Therefore, as the economy begins to open, don’t stay squirreled away in fear. Go back to work and continue to live and enjoy life. 

Just be responsible, don’t congregate in crowds, practice social distancing, wash your hands, and keep them away from your face. Wear face mask and gloves only when and where needed.

This pandemic is more than a battle against a sub-microscopic virus. It is also a political battle with conservative verses liberal ideology supported by an immoral and corrupt news media. Whether you believe it or not, many Americans in the news media are happy to see the Trump economy destroyed. Nicolle Wallace of MSNBC said the ‘silver lining’ to coronavirus is that it could hurt President Trump politically. She said it with glee; how sad! That came from someone supposed to report, not make the news. How unbiased can her reporting be?

The disease and the politics both must be fought and won. We cannot afford to be a nation of sheep. Instead, we need to turn back to the spirit of the American Revolution when Patrick Henry said, “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death,” and President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s WWII speech titled “The Only Thing We Have to Fear is Fear Itself.” How true! 

Hoot Gibson is a resident of Valdosta and author of “Hoot’s Wisdom Nuggets You Cut I Choose” and “Hoot’s Wisdom Nuggets to Help You Become a Super salesman.” Email: