HANNAN: Waking to God whispers in the night

Published 6:00 am Friday, July 30, 2021

I believe God speaks to His children in various ways. He went to great lengths to create each of us uniquely. There is only one you and one me, never to be another just like us. God knows everything there is to know about each of us, and He knows us better than we know ourselves.

He knows exactly what and how we need to hear from Him and when. The question is, are we listening?

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I wrote a blog post titled “Do you see the cross” and you can read it at: (https://lisahannan.org/f/do-you-see-the-cross), where I talk about something I call “God winks,” in the form of a “cross” and how I experience those God winks regularly, and always when I least expect them. 

Those experiences speak directly to my heart, and in those moments, I sense in my spirit that God is speaking a word of encouragement directly to me. It is a very personal thing and no one can tell me otherwise.

Maybe you too experience your own “God winks,” those times when God speaks directly to your heart, and there is no doubt in your mind that it is God either answering a prayer or simply encouraging you along life’s journey; a reminder that He is with you and for you and knows exactly where you are and what you are going through. I can recall numerous God winks over the years, some more profound than others and not always in the form of a cross.

Victor Raymond Edman said, “Never doubt in the dark what God told you in the light.”

One of the many ways that God seems to speak to me personally is through numbers. I have this thing about numbers. Always have. I can remember numbers and lots of them after one glance sometimes. That is just how God created me, which comes in handy for my husband when he needs someone’s phone number.

I have been praying for someone near and dear to my heart for many years and I know, by reading the scriptures, that the prayers I am praying over that person are in line with God’s will. Even though those prayers have not been answered yet, I continue to pray in faith, as the Lord leads me, believing the Word of God and believing God will answer those prayers in His time and in His way, standing on verses like (1 John 5:14-15).

A few months ago, I became even more burdened for this person because of life circumstances. Heavy-hearted and continuing in prayer daily, I awoke at 1:37 a.m. two nights in a row, which got my attention. And both nights, upon waking, I immediately started praying for that person. 

But the second morning, after waking at 1:37, I had the thought to see if there was a Bible verse with the numbers 1:37. So, I grabbed my phone and looked up “scripture with 1:37” to see if there was something in God’s Word that would speak to me concerning that burden. 

The first verse that came up was Luke 1:37, which says, “For, with God, nothing shall be impossible.” And let me tell you, everything about that situation currently “looks” impossible. But the Lord often reminds me that we, as believers, are called to walk by faith and not by sight.

I thanked the Lord for speaking that specific Word to me at that specific time, about that specific matter; I thanked Him for that “God wink” or hug, as it may be. I cannot tell you how that encouraged me. God knew exactly what I needed to hear from Him and when. And He knew how to get my attention because He knows me so intimately.

Just as I say in my blog post about the crosses, I am not encouraging anyone to go out and start looking for crosses or reading too much into numbers or any other sign. Jesus warns us in His Word, not to look for “signs” more than we look for the Lord Himself. 

“Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.” (Matthew 6:33) As we draw closer to the Lord and become more intimate with Him daily, we will hear His voice and see His hand more easily.

I know my loving, heavenly Father whispered that specific Word of encouragement to me in the night. And even though it was pitch dark at 1:37 a.m., when God speaks, there is always light, and I assure you, I will cling to that Word and stand on that promise, and I will not “doubt in the dark what God told me in the light.”


Lisa Hannan lives in Valdosta with her husband, attorney Miles Hannan, who has been practicing law in Valdosta for more than 30 years. She has a B.S. in psychology from Valdosta State University. You can find her at www.lisahannan.org.