Wisenbaker: Revising yesterday, denying today is no way to govern
Published 9:00 am Sunday, May 12, 2019
- Gary Wisenbaker
Seventy years ago, George Orwell published “1984,” a novel about how the world fell victim to government overreach and manipulated information messaging, also known as propaganda or, if you will, fake news.
The ruling party in the novel’s Orwellian world of Oceania depends not only on propaganda to control the governed but also utilizes spying, intentionally false terminology, and the misrepresentation of history and facts to do so.
It seems that 2019 is the new 1984.
The Democratic Socialists seek to govern with all the gusto of Oceania’s “Thought Police,” trying their best to punish individual thought and individual independence through their carefully constructed model of identity politics.
And their utilization of historical denialism is as prevalent as it is appalling.
Consider Hillary Clinton’s continued braying about having “won” an election only to have it “stolen” from her. Such nonsense is designed only to undermine confidence in our constitutional form of government and undermine the legitimacy of the Trump presidency.
Give it a rest already.
Also consider the Democratic Socialists refusing to accept the conclusions of the vaunted Mueller Report (as well as the 2016 election results) which concluded that (a) there was no collusion twixt the Donald Trump campaign and Russia, and (b) there was no palpable evidence warranting any obstruction of justice charges against President Trump.
It is not enough for the House Democratic Socialists that Mueller spent two years using 19 lawyers (14 of which were card carrying Democrats) and a staff of 40 to chase the rabbit called “Russian collusion.”
And it is not enough that these lawyers and staff issued over 2,800 subpoenas, caused the issuance of almost 500 search warrants, interviewed 500 witnesses, and spent more than $25 million only to conclude that the collusion narrative was a hoax.
Mueller found nothing. Nada. Zilch. And the allegation of obstruction of justice fared no better.
They also deny that Attorney General William Bar followed the letter of the law in releasing what could legally be released of the Mueller Report to Congress. That the law forbids releasing grand jury testimony and evidence to the public self evidences their disdain for the rule of law.
The newest and current negationism concerns the robust economy: record GDP growth of 3.2 percent, record employment across racial lines, record low unemployment and record wage growth.
The Democratic Socialists, however, along with their sycophants in the mainstream media, take the “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” approach.
You see, like their Teutonic national socialist cousins in the first half of the 20th century, their only option is to assert that this economy simply does not exist, it is a figment of the national imagination and, like their predecessors, they believe if they repeat the lie often enough, it will become the truth.
Hence, they proclaim that while the economic numbers might be good, they must not be real. Why? Because nobody can “feel” the robust economy.
Maybe they need to ask all those who are now working and earning better wages (that are growing) if they can “feel” their job and “feel” their paycheck.
These denials, however, go to raw political considerations.
But the Democratic Socialists’ denials about real issues such as the opioid crisis, immigration and the need to get disaster relief to Puerto Rico and the Southwest Georgia farmers hit by hurricanes are dangerous to the nation.
Rather than revise the past and distort the present, these negationists should accept both “as is,” put the nation and the American people above their petty political objectives and get back to work.
For there is much at stake.
Gary Wisenbaker (gary@realtyadvisorsga.com) is a political consultant at Blackstone LLC, and a Realtor at RealLiving Realty Advisors.