ZACCARI: Farewell to a special place
Published 7:15 am Saturday, July 29, 2023
It was 4 p.m. on New Year’s Eve, 2001, when the phone rang.
The chancellor of the the Georgia Higher Education System said, “Congratulations, you have been appointed to succeed Dr. Hugh Bailey as the seventh president of Valdosta State University. You’re to report to begin duties on Jan. 7, 2002”.
That was then and this is 21 years later but it seems like yesterday that Nancy and I drove down North Patterson Street for the first time and saw VSU shining across the front lawn.
We were welcomed by the people of Valdosta/Lowndes County and soon learned about the wondrous geographical area of South Georgia.
Nancy and I have been honored and blessed to have lived and worked among such gracious people and developed lasting friendships.
We have poured our hearts into VSU’s future, its phenomenal architecture, academic programs and relationship with the community.
Hopefully, we have left each a little better than when we arrived.
It’s difficult to leave but reality dictates that we move close to family and practice the “art of aging.”
I was provost at Southeastern Louisiana University for 19 years and have many close friends there. We have moved to the North Shore of Lake Pontchartrain and near our son.
The intent of this narrative is to express our sincere thanks for allowing us to become an integral part of Valdosta/Lowndes County and observe the economic and cultural advancements now under rapid development.
Lena Bosch, a respected friend, once said, “Every community must have vibrant arts at its economic core.” It’s truly here!
Nancy and I will cherish our time with all of you and we leave with many fond memories of South Georgia, its people and visionary future.
Ron and Nancy Zaccari recently moved from Valdosta.