Lowndes football sparks creativity with weekly challenges
Published 9:49 pm Tuesday, April 14, 2020
VALDOSTA—Lowndes football is finding ways to stay active during quarantine.
Strength and conditioning coach Kevin Wisham has created a weekly workout program to try to encourage players to “stay safe and stay ready” during their time away.
The workouts have been posted to the Lowndes Twitter account in hopes that players will make the most of this different situation.
“For the most part we’re trying to do what we can to maintain contact with the kids,” Wisham said about the weekly workout program. “Our biggest asset is social media. We have an app called Remind101 that all the kids are subscribed and I’m able to send out messages through that and I try to do those daily. It’s difficult right now because we don’t have the daily contact that we usually do.”
That daily contact would include providing players with a daily breakfast prior to school starting and having weight training sessions to build players muscle.
Players also received snacks and pre and post-workout nutrition to help them recover better.
It’s a part of they year-round model that has turned Lowndes into a powerhouse in 7A football.
“In a perfect world they’re doing the workouts and staying in shape and they’re pushing themselves,” Wisham said. “In reality, we know that there is a group of kids that may or may not have the opportunities to do those things right now because of things that are out of their control.”
The workouts are all home-friendly, and don’t call for any specific equipment that would require players to spend money.
Players are also encouraged to record their workouts and submit them to coaches.
This builds accountability but also allows players to receive assistance with workouts that they may not do properly.
For many of the experienced players the workouts are common and familiar. For others, it may be a learning experience.
Wisham was a was only officially back for 10 days before the Lowndes was shut down.
The timing of it isn’t ideal, but he plans on continuing to implement the home workout challenges after things return to normal.
With no set time in place, the team will continue to follow the same schedule. The longer players can workout and stay active, the lighter the acclimation process will be once the all clear is given to resume team activities.
“It’s all that we’ve got right now so it has to work,” Wisham said.