Life Enrichment Center receives $100K grant

MILLEDGEVILLE, Ga. — Programming at the Baldwin County Life Enrichment Center (LEC) is about to expand thanks to a substantial grant received from the AWS Foundation.

The funding is said to be for three years and totals $100,000, according to Baldwin LEC Executive Director Barbara Coleman.

The funds will be used for a new program called the Creative Enrichment Center that will take place four times each month on nights and weekends and will be staffed in part by Georgia College students. Coleman said the expanded program will target individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities who cannot participate during normal LEC hours due to space constraints.

“The grant is to provide meaningful activities for the individuals who are underserved in our community,” Coleman said. “One of the biggest challenges to individuals with intellectual disabilities is isolation, especially those who live in their own homes or live with aging parents who can’t get out that much at night. Their social world sometimes can just be comprised of who’s in that close family network.”

Participants at the Creative Enrichment Center, housed at the Baldwin LEC on North Jefferson Street, will get to learn in a variety of areas such as music exploration, art and horticulture. Georgia College students studying in an array of areas such as music therapy, exercise science and community health will earn real world experience in helping those with intellectual disabilities acclimate to a new environment.  

“What we wanted to do was provide opportunities to not only increase their social network, but at the same time increase the community’s awareness of the abilities of individuals with disabilities and to really drive home how we’re more alike than different,” the executive director said. “By partnering with the college students in these different departments we’re able to provide buddies and friends and opportunities so that everyone comes away with something.”

The AWS Foundation is the non-profit arm of Benchmark Human Services headquartered is in Fort Wayne, Ind. but has a branch here in Milledgeville located on West Thomas Street.

“AWS Foundation is delighted to provide funding for Life Enrichment Center’s new Creative Enrichment pilot program,” said Patti Hays, CEO of AWS Foundation in a press release. “We applaud their strong commitment to expand opportunities, inclusion and independence for individuals with disabilities and their families.”

A check presentation will be held at 5 p.m. Friday at the Baldwin LEC located at 1111 N. Jefferson St.

“We are so grateful to have this opportunity,” Coleman said. “I’m grateful that Benchmark reached out to me. I’m grateful that the foundation really sees the value in what we’re doing here in Milledgeville. All of this is possible too only because of the partnerships we have in this community especially with Georgia College. It’s that engaged learning because we can’t do it without the student support. Our little bit of non-profit funding only goes so far.”

For more information on the Baldwin Life Enrichment Center visit to


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