Jailed man rearrested for bringing pot into cell
A Live Oak man arrested for burglary and grand theft recently found himself in deeper trouble after sheriff’s deputies discovered marijuana in his jail cell.
According to reports from the Suwannee County Sheriff’s Office, Bryan David Johnson, 25, 9193 132nd Terrace, Live Oak, was arrested Nov. 15 for possession of a stolen Milwaukee Hammer drill that he and two other individuals had a female pawn at a local pawn shop because Johnson did not have his driver license.
Reports show the model number and serial number of the drill matched the numbers of a hammer drill belonging to the Suwannee County Solid Waste Department that had been stolen over the previous weekend. The building in which the drill was kept had been broken into and the hammer drill, along with six other tools had been stolen.
According to authorities, the vehicle tracks and shoe tracks at the scene matched those of Johnson’s.
Further reports reveal that after Johnson was arrested for burglary and grand theft, he was placed into custody at the Suwannee County Jail, where he entered with only a wallet in his possession. A short time later, when authorities entered his cell, a plastic bag on the floor containing what appeared to be a green leafy substance was found. The substance was field tested by deputies and the substance tested positive for marijuana.
Johnson was subsequently charged with introduction of contraband into a correctional facility and possession of less than 20 grams of marijuana.