PRICE: Palms grow in South Georgia

I have been seeing more and more different types of palms planted in our area than ever before. 

Palms that are native to Georgia are the Cabbage, or Sabal Palm, the Needle Palm, and the Saw Palmetto, which is a shrubby-type palm.

Native palms can withstand our winter temperatures. The native palms can grow in Zone 8 which is pretty much south of Macon. The Needle Palm is probably the most cold tolerant of all the palms and can grow into Zone 7 which is north Georgia.

The Cabbage Palm is perhaps the best known palm in Georgia. It can tolerate freezes, wet and dry conditions. It has fan-shaped leaves. Palms with leaves like the Cabbage are referred to as palmate, which means the fronds look like a fan.

Cabbage Palms are dug from the wild and transplanted all over southern Georgia. They can have an immediate impact on bare landscapes, because they can be transplanted very large. They do not have a large canopy and will not provide much shade.

There are also many palms grown here that are not native to Georgia. The Pindo or Jelly Palm is very common in landscapes and grows in Zone 8 with little problem. The Pindo Palm has a grayish green color and produces edible fruit. This is the most cold-hardy of the feather-leaf palms.

Feather-leaf fronds have a structure similar to a feather. The Canary Island Date Palm is another palm you will occasionally encounter in southern Georgia. These high-priced palms have leaves that are feather shaped. Their fronds can extend close to 20 feet. 

The trunks of Canary Island Date Palms can be a couple of feet wide. The pruned frond bases are very attractive on the trunk. Zone 8b is the northern limit to this palm.

The Washingtonia, or Mexican Fan Palm, is another very commonly planted palm. They are fast growing and can survive in Zone 8b. These palms have palmate leaves. Washingtonia Palms have attractive dark green leaves and the trunk tends to taper at the top as they grow.

In Florida, these palms can reach 100 feet.

The Date Palm is another palm that is becoming more common. Zone 8b is their northern limit. 

In hot dry regions like southern California and Arizona, orchards of Date Palms are grown. When these orchards are not profitable the trees are sold for ornamental purposes. These palms look similar to the Canary Island Date Palm in that they have feather-type leaves and grow large.

Another small palm I have seen regularly in Lowndes County is the Windmill Palm. These palms have thin, fiber-covered trunks. The base of the trunk appears to be thinner at the bottom than at the top. They have a palmate leaf and are hardy to Zone 8. This palm is almost as cold tolerant as the Needle palm.

A palm similar to the Windmill Palm is the European Fan Palm. These palms can be distinguished from Windmill palms by the thorns on their petioles. The Windmill Palm tends to grow in clumps and their height is shorter than Windmill Palms.

No matter what palm you choose make sure it is suitable for southern Georgia. Palms add a tropical feel to any landscape and some are drought tolerant once established.

Jake Price is the University of Georgia extension agent/coordinator, Lowndes County. More information: Call (229) 333-5185 or email


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