Fall begins Saturday

Dog days are, happily, over. Our hot weather has not departed as of yet, but if one looks around, one can see some heralds of fall which will commence on Sept. 22. The goldenrod has begun to bloom, and one folk saying from Around the Banks of the Suwannee shared by many is that one can expect fall like weather within six weeks of seeing the first goldenrod bloom. A lot of the older folks also said that the first frost would fall within six weeks after the dog fennels were in full bloom. I don’t know how accurate many of the old sayings are, but I put as much trust and faith in them as some examples of modern day weather forecasting.

We live in a wonderful part of the world, storied in legend, and blessed with many examples of natural beauty. As fall approaches, we can look forward to enjoying so much of that which is around us. Fall is my favorite season of the year. In our part of the world, one can enjoy so much more of the outdoors. The temperatures are cooler, the bugs are not as bothersome and, all in all, its just a great time of year.

The coming of fall, cooler mornings and evenings, leaves beginning to change color, bonfires, football season, fresh pork roast, collard, mustard or turnip greens simmering on the stove, crackling corn bread, baked sweet potatoes, fresh apple cake, flannel shirts.

I am thankful for all the seasons of the year, but I am glad  that summer will soon pack its bags. I’ve enjoyed it, but I am looking forward to the fall.

Each season Around the Banks of the Suwannee is unique and wonderful. From the Eight Mile Still, on the Woodpecker Route, north of White Springs, I wish each of you a marvelous week filled with joy, peace, and, above all, lots of love and laughter.