Berrien FFA holds banquet
NASHVILLE — At the end of each year, the Berrien FFA, along with the community, come together to recognize both member achievement and to honor those who helped them succeed.
The Berrien FFA went over and beyond this year; whether it was by helping the community or competing at the state level, the Berrien FFA was there.
The banquet was held at Flat Creek May 11 and started off with the 2016-17 officer team walking out. As they went through the opening ceremony, the community and FFA members alike looked in awe as the officer team spoke their parts with honor and pride.
“I now declare the Berrien FFA banquet duly open for the transaction to business or attention to any matters which may properly be presented,” said Reese Johnson 2016-17 president.
Brenna Taylor, CTAE director and assistant principal, welcomed guests and Julia Taylor, chaplain, gave the invocation.
The FFA officer team handed out awards for several different areas. More than 50 different FFA members were recognized for their hard work and dedication to CDEs, SAEs, and other achievements throughout the school year.
A few of the highlighted awards included the Scholastic Award, sponsored by Citizens Bank, presented to Reese Johnson. Sponsored by the Jimmy Lane Family, Julia Taylor accepted the Blue and Gold Award.
Garrett Johnson was the recipient for the Star Greenhand Award sponsored by Berrien County Farm Bureau. The Star Chapter Farmer Award was awarded to Isaac Lanier and was sponsored by Farmers and Merchants Bank.
Joseph Davis was awarded the Star Agribusiness Award sponsored by Bank of Alapaha. Atlas Greenhouses sponsored the Star Horticulture Award given to Shae Holland.
T.J. Bryant and Darien Ball both received the Star Ag. Mechanics Awards sponsored by Coyote Manufacturing. The Berrien County Young Farmers sponsored the Young Farmers Leadership Award given to Noah Davis.
The Farm Bureau Award, sponsored by the Berrien County Farm Bureau, was accepted by Austin Weaver. Anthony Golden received the Outstanding Service Award that was sponsored by South Central Georgia Gin.
Receiving the Rising Star in FFA, sponsored by Nashville Tractor, was Meghan Livingston. Star Agriscience was awarded to Hannah Exum and was sponsored by Seven Oaks Farm (Bryan Horten).
As the evening came to an end, Johnson presented the New President award to Conway McNeil. McNeil announced the rest of the 2017-18 officer team. The team is Julia Taylor, vice president; Collin Curry, secretary; Garrett Johnson, treasurer; Meghan Livingston, reporter; Anthony Golden, sentinel; Bailey Bullard, chaplain; Macy Taylor, historian; Carson Johnson, parliamentarian; Hailey Davis, special events coordinator; Maegan Luke, special events coordinator; Kaleb Bell, Growing Leaders committee chair; Keegan Ahuacatition, Building Communities committee chair; Abby Hand, junior officer.
2016-2017 Berrien High FFA Sponsors include:
Platinum: Monsanto.
Gold: Dixon Farm Supply, Farmers and Merchants Bank, Bank of America, Farm Bureau, and Bank of Alapaha.
Silver: Dupont Pine Product, Lovien Funeral Home, Coyote Manufacturing, Citizens Bank, Seven Oaks Farm, Berrien Young Farmers, South Central Georgia Gin (Silver Plus), Nashville Tractor (Silver Plus), Lane Family (Silver Plus), Ag Georgia Farm Credit (Silver Plus), Berrien Peanut Company, Southern Cleaning Systems Hotsy of South Georgia (Martin Vedas), and Atlas Greenhouses (Silver Plus).
Bronze: Watson Pools & Patios, Larry Crumley Properties, Dixon Seed and Chemicals (Bronze Plus), H.B.T, Agrisupply, ADAMA, Jernigan’s Farm SVC & Supply Inc, Fausett Oil Company, Lee Farm Supply, and Gaskins Meat.
Friends of the FFA: Millers and Oyster Bar.