First Grade Letters to Santa

A. Parks First Grade

Dear Santa, I will like a fish, a trtel and a dog.



Dear Santa, I miss you can you plese give me a big stufed bare.



Dear Santa, I whant a pool.  I whant a naw scat and a mace me a grat reedr.



Dear Santa, I can wayt wen its Christmas!  I want a Angry birds star wars toys.



Dear Santa, I love you.  I wont a wiiu.  



Dear Santa, I love you I mis you I have filv prezins that I wont I want a race car a car with a remote control and a truk with a bycicle and tractor.



Dear Santa, I am so happy Christmas Is here.  I wood like makeup ket and a BarBae.



Dear Santa, This year for Christmas I would like tree things.  I would like finger nale pallish and a new Horrible Harry book and a new bike.  



Dear Santa, I am so happy that Christmas is here!  I wood like a new Barbie and a new wii game.  



Dear Santa, I can’t wate intill Christmas.  I hope I get a lot of presents.  I love you.  



Dear Santa, I mis you I hop that I get lots ov prezints.  I hav wan theing that I wont I wont a macup kas.



Dear Santa, I luv you so muhc I wont a gun set and a nife and arme set.  You are my favrit prsin.  



Dear Santa, I mis you very much.  I would like a makeup set and some precess books.  And a iPod.  



*Dear Santa, I luv you beucus you are the nie man n the ho ho woroe I wunt a bick.



*Dear Santa, my name is mason I no that I bine be bad and I no that I will like a teestan.  



Dear Santa,

Im Elisa I now is srmen I now ben bin li like a bgu bon.



Dear Santa,

I wish if you give me three present.  And you are the speshall.  And can you go to my berta.  And my three present are bick and a ska bord and a boll.



*Dear Santa,

I love you so it clos.  I mis you sanclas I wint  a hat.  



Billingsley First Grade

Dear Santa,

I would like a beyblade and nerf and halo and monsho and power rangers. How many elfs do you have?



Dear Santa,

I would like a Hello Kitty. I really want my Lfe As Doll. For Christmas will you bring me a Easy Bake Ultimate Oven. Love,


Dear Santa,

For Christmas will you bring me a power Rangers, Mario, ds3, papermario, poraw truk, dsi, dirt bike ford Raptor, starwars, ninja turtles, Power Rangers helmet, Mario tennis.  



Dear Santa,

I would like a Barbie Dream House. I would like a Disney Princess Beaaty Tote but The most vare theng I wont is a winx Clad Del.



Dear Santa,

I really want a teenage mutant ninja turtles combat gear.



Dear Santa,

For Christmas will you bring me a Easy Bake Oven?



Dear Santa,

 I want a blad will. I want sum john deer suf. I want a wii. I want a 3DS xl. I would like sum angry birds stuf. I would like sum power rangers stuf.



Dear Santa,

I want a Disney princess castl. I also want a Barbie Princess and Popstar. How does your ranedeer fly?



Dear Santa,

I want nigogo because I would play. I want Angy Birds. Hay Santa how are the randere? I would like pokemon. I really want beyblade. I want my big gift to big a hol bunc of pokemon.



Dear Santa,

I want ninjgo. I want angy Birds. I want a truck.



Dear Santa,

I want a I pade and a Monster High and a Brats doll and a Easy Bake. Do you like childin? Love,


Dear Santa,

I want a nerf. I want a Air Hogs, I really want a 3DS with a game. I want a I pod. I wunder why you on dlivr on Christmas.  I want Hot Weels.



Dear Santa,

I really would like a Baby Alive and a mumiy. I want a dsi.



Dear Santa,

I really would like a little mommy. Is rudoff the red noss raindeer reel?



Dear Santa,

I would like a doll.



Ms. Stacey Bullock’s First Grade Class

Dear Santa,

I want a jeep, trampulene, clothes, A to Z Mysteries books, a drum set, water slide, peeano set, a zilofon, floot, Barbee dreem hause, boks of snow, and a book abalt Barbee.  I want my cat back.  I love you Santa Klaws.


Kassie Bennett

Dear Santa,

I want toys, kloze, shoes, a billy gote, XBOX360 set, a soker ball, new book bag, and new house.


JaDarius Cherry

Dear Santa,

I want for Christmas a jrum set, a monstr hi doll, and that car that go to my Brbie drem hous.  I want the Clectrs Brbie and that monstr hi doll hous.  I want a for willer and a chrampulen.  


Mary Caroline Crutchfield

Dear Santa,

Merry Christmas!  I want a pulees motosikl.  I want a fone.


Andre Dancy

Dear Santa,

I want a car and a rile hors.  I want a compudr too.


Ja’Kayla Edwards

Dear Santa,

I want toys, an ese bak uvin, my litl pones, monstr set, monstr bike, babe dols, toy flawr, anda pet hors.


Kiersten Eplin

Dear Santa,

I want a toy truk for Christmas.  I want a 4 weeler, a dog, and an XBOX360.


Jhe’ven Ford

Dear Santa,

I want a new dog and a new cat, a modersicul, a Borbe, and a new bookbag.  I want a sweder, a new dres, Rudof, Americn flag for my bedrum, and a luv bear.  I want a moncey and a bear charm for my neclis.  I want a kangeruw.  I want a buney.  I want a blue neclis amd a cow that jumps ovr the mun.  I want a pup and a toy cor.


Rhaine Hart-Vasey

Dear Santa,

I want a babydoll for Christmas.  I want a wolit, baby stroller and a nuther bike.  I want a police car and new morkers.  I want a new folder and a hourse.


Shakayla Jones

Dear Santa,

I want a Brbe Doll, a luchbox, a love bear, a DS, a new book, a fery doll, and makup.


Jazmyn Hughes

Dear Santa,

I want a beskit of medel rings, a globe, a domino box, a calinder, a little scal, books, a siense kit, tiedied shirt kit, a new bookbag, panting pots kit, a slide, little rawnd hotweels track, Doof a Leash, a glases kase, kak pops maker, striped paper, camra, puppy, and a cofy cup.  


Michael Herring

Dear Santa,

I want Blade Blades and a DSIXL and a pogo stik, and a bat, and a Mario car, and candy like bubl gum and M and Ms.  I want a lot of M and Ms and a lot of Monstr truks.  I want a yoyo and a bell.  I want my cat Trooper back.  How is your wife and Roodof the Red Nosed Rendr?  I want an XBOX 360 Conekt.


Elijah Henderson

Dear Santa,

What I want for Christmas is a baby alife and a DSI and a dog and a pak uv lipglos.  I want my bruver to love me and I want a regalur baby doll.  


Ja’Kiah Legree

Dear Santa,

For Christmas, I want a helrcpter that flis and shoots and a car.  I want a DSXL and a DSI and a DS.  I want a Morio game for my DSXL.  I want a scooter that go 60 miles a hor.  I want a telscop and a Wii with a Morio game.  I want a dog and a cat and a bune and a rel pet deer.  I want to ride with Santa and Roodolf.  I want a tree house and Blade Blades and an XBOX60.  Love you Santa.  


Braxden Middleton

Dear Santa,

I want a DSI, a cat, a car, sum boots, games, toys, a pup, a toy  Randeer, and a monstr book.


Bailey Spiwak

Dear Santa,

I want an IPod, a snake, a new cat, a mama deer, a babe deer, and a dad deer.  I want a football jerzee and a football and hemet.  I want a 22.  I want an XBOX.


Jayden Thomas

Dear Santa,

For Christmas, I want a toy kar, XBOX360, toy snake, fishen pol, and a toy trane.


Cody Walters


Ms. Copland’s Awesome 1st Grade Class

Dear Santa,

Do you clim thowe the chimne or thore the dore? Can you get me a romotchrlo boat.


Dustin Dowty

Dear Santa,

Is ther snow ther. I want a cat for Crishis.


Valerie Foster

Dear Santa,

Do you rele hav randers that fli? I wod lick a mod sickol that’s my sis.


Royce Kennedy

Dear Santa,

Do your ranu deers wer giggle bell? I won’t a srular with butflys. Thank you. May I have a book to read?


Lamiah Martinez

Dear Santa,

Do you work every day? I would like a new bike.  I would lik a DSI with a cool hot weel game. I would like a hot weel set with two cars. I would like a monster truck.


Tyler Fields

Dear Santa,

What do you do the rest of the year? I want a x box 360.


Kendrick Robinson

Dear Santa,

How do you make toys? Plese Santa can you give me a 3DSI for Chrismas. Thank you Santa.


Austin Shelly

Dear Santa,

What do you do at Nuf Pol? Can you ples git me a Bab that woks. Can you ples git me a Bab that eat. Can you ples git me a DS with gams.


Ja’myrah Newsome

Dear Santa,

I wat a Spider-Man game. I wata Spider-Man toy. I wat a new Iron-Man.


Jacob Easter

Dear Santa,

How do your randuear fly? May I have a tablit for Christmas and a baby cat.


Makayla Miller

Dear Santa,

How do you mack the toys? I would like a 3DS and Mario 3d Land for the 3DS for Christmas.


Waylon Boone

Dear Santa,

What bib you do at home Santa? I would like a game boy,


Shyanne Barnes

Dear Santa,

What do you do wine the uthrs chiging wac up? I would lik a puppy for Christmas and I went a fon for Christmas.


Deyani Herrera

Dear Santa,

What do you do? Do you made toys Santa? Santa I wtah a freeDS.


Tra’Darius Norton

Dear Santa,

Way do you riud the sled? Can I have a DS?


Gabby Rowe

Dear Santa,

What do you do with the ckid wace up? I want a pawe rwager.


Cranston Smith

Dear Santa,

Santa are you ril? Can I have a des?


Keisha Mason

Dear Santa,

How do you mak the torz? I would like a torz ked kar.


Syanna Bryan

Driggers and Mellands First Grade

Dear Santa,

I ben good ples giv me a wii black. Ples giv me a DS.



Dear Santa,

I have been so wundrfle this year. Please will you bring me phone, Ipod touch, and Justin Beeber the real person.



Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. Please will you bring me a Ipad, 3DS, donkey kong game, and a toy motor syckle.

Your friend,


Dear Santa,

I have been so good this year. Please will you bring me my own iPod, a $50 gift card, and a 3DS.



Dear Santa,

I have been so good this year. Please will you bring me a elechik skooter, Play for wheeler, shot gun that don’t kik, xbox 360.



Dear Santa,

Will you give me a basketball please. I love Santa.



Dear Santa,

I have been so great this month. Please bring me a wii u, and a 3DS, xbox 360, and wii games.



Dear Santa,

I have been so great this year. Please will you bring me a bebe dolu, and a mini iPad, and a dolu home.


Hailey T

Dear Santa,

I have been so good this year. Please will you bring me some glasses and a biscl, and some Hello Kitty stuff and a Hello Kitty postr, and a easy bake oven, and a dire books, and some new clothes, and some high heel boots, and a iPad and some per fume.



Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. I want a iPod 100g, I want a DS, I want a computer, I want a big trampoline.



Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. Please will you bring me a Robot, and rat, and books, and a real tiecher, and a bunch of money and a car.



Dear Santa,

I have been fantascic this year. Please will you breag me all of the Pokemon vershins and please breag me a wii U, and will you please give me a iPad.



Dear Santa,

I have been so good this year. Please will you bring a pet dog and some perfume. Please bring me a iPode and a dsi.

Love your friend,


Dear Santa,

I have been so good this year. Please will you bring me a raser sonic car, wii u, drifting semie, ferbers.



Dear Santa,

I have been so kind this year. I want a big dry erase board, and a iPod touch, and a big fluffy scarf, and some dry erase markers and my own Christmas dalls, and my own haer brush and a $50,000 gift card. XOXOXO Merry Christmas.



Dear Santa,

I have been so good this year. Please will you bring me some clothes, and babe set and shoose and cooset and puppet.



Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. Will you bring me money, mini iPad and a xbox 360.



Greetings Dear Santa,

I have been so good this year. Please will you give me a mini iPad and a new neclas, and a braslat,  and a 3DS and a real telephone and a bor bco gameand a new coloring book and new crayons and pencil.



Dear Santa,

I have been so good this year. Please will you bring me some new trash pack series 3, fish games, Ipod touch, fishing toys, books, hunting toys, sky landers gints, dart bike, and a 10 gallon fish tank.

Your friend,


Dear Santa,

I have been so fantastic this year. Will you bring me a iPod touch 4th, and a Crliy Ray Jaxin CD, and I want to wac CD.



Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. Pleas will you bring me a mikfonn, TV, 3D glass.



Dear Santa,

I been so good can you get me a iPad and a 3DS and a racin horse.


Haley M.

Dear Santa,

I have been so good this year. Please will you bring me wii u, and mrio cars.


John R.

Dear Santa,

I was so good. Pleas will you bring me a DSI, 3DS, Morio games, caring book, barby house.



Dear Santa,

I have been good this year. Please wall you bring me a DS, Madabaskar 3 DVD, Brave DVD, Set of the Wegs DVD, eatabol gingerbread house and perfoom.



Dear Santa,

I have bee so good this year. I what a iPod, DS and a  computer.



Merry Christmis Santa,

Can you brig me a modosicl.


Dear Santa,

I have ben so good this yeer. I want a ipad, I want a DS, and I want a computer.



Dear Santa,

I been good this year. Please will you bring me a DS, Madaskar 3 DVD, Brave DVD, eatbol gingerbread house, and perfoom.



Dear Santa,

I have been so good this year.  Will you please bring me a 3DS.



Marvette Gwinn’s First Grade Class

Dear Santa Claus,

I have been a good boy.  I met my AR goal!  First, I want GAT.  It is sqoshe.Next, I want a remote controlled car.  Last, I want a tede bear.Don’t eat too many cookies.


Connor Williams

Dear Santa Claus,

I have been a good girl.  I got a new hair cut!   Bring me three things for Christmas.  First, I want a mickie toy that opens its ises.  Next, I want a doll haws that has stairs.  Last, I want more dresses.  Please make them pink, blue and purple.  Tell the elfs I sed hello!


Morgan McGee

Dear Santa Claus,

I have been a good girl.  I have a cat.  First, I want a doll with sporckls.  Next, I want a caer that I can drive.  Last, I want one of your randirs.  Have a saft drive.


Addison Zrowka

Dear Santa Claus,

I met my AR goal.  First, I want a xbox360.  It is fun to play.  Next, I want WWe12.  It is awsom.  Last, I want wwe12.  It is on wii.  Tell rodoff I said hey.


Kaden McKire

Dear Santa Claus,

I love my bruthr.  First, I want a baby doll and a bottle. Next, I want a car.   Last, I want a golfcart.  You can eat a lot of cookes because you bring a lot for me.


Shadavia Jones

Dear Santa Claus,

I have a wondlrfule techr.  First, I want a rmot controlled babey doll.   Next, I want barbie dol klos to go with it.   Last, I want a blu and red bik.  Tell Rudolf I sed hi.


Madison Mobley

Dear Santa Claus,

I love to read.  First, I want a brbe game.  Next, I want a pink book from the treasure chest .  Last, I want a black cowboy hat.  Be safe.


Lena Bristol

Dear Santa Claus,

First, I want a car.  Next, I want a dsd.  Last, I want a football game.


Jayla Reid

Dear Santa Claus,

I met my AR goal!  First, I want a remctoll car.  Next, I want a DSI.  Last, I want a remctoll truck.   I want a light up yoyo with blue, black and red.  

I luv you.

Aveion Gardner

Dear Santa Claus,

I have cool hair.  First, I want a air plan.  Next, can I have a bike that when you push a buten it gos?  Can you tell Rodoof I said hello?


Dominique Lacasse

Dear Santa Claus,

I have been a vary good girl.  First, I want a bobi doll with blond har.  Next, I want a big bobi doll hous.  Last, I want a puppy.

Be safe and have a good Christmas.


Tatiana Williams

Dear Santa Claus,

First, I want a forwhlr.  Next, I want a bik.

Last, I want a drt bik.


Alex McLeod

Dear Santa,

I am a good boy.  First, I want a dertbike.  I don’t want it to be gaters coler.

Next, I want a motrsickel.  I want it to be red.  Last, I want a  bike and I want it to be black.  I love you Santa.


O’Marion Jones

Dear Santa Claus,

I am a good boy.  I met my AR goal.  First, I want fallout3.  Next, I want a remot car.  Last, I want Rambo Frst Blood.   Will you see Jack Frost?  Tell him I said hello.


Charlie Bruno

Dear Santa Claus,

I met both of my AR goals!  I want a black and white puppy.  Next, I want a kity cat.  I want it to be brown with orange stripes.  Last, I want a yellow bird.  Have a great Crismas.


Carson Chancey

Dear Santa Claus,

I have a nu bike.  First, I want a blue ras kor.  Next, I want a 3ds.

Last, I want a new super Mario gold mine game.  Have a great day.


Nicholas Woods

Dear Santa Claus,

I met my AR goal!

First, I want a blue air hog.  

Next, I want a car.

Last, I want a durtbik.

Tell the elves I sed hi.


Harley Bell

J. Giles First Grade

Dear Santa,

I hope you come to town. Tre town misses you very much. For Christmas can I have a ipod. Circle yes or no. you how I love you in I bleeve in you Santa Claws.

Love, Olivyanna

Dear Santa, win you get a mi haws we have a bahz uf ches you you Santa. I hop you have a mare cres,es. Santa, thek you. I wont a barbeadoll.



Dear Santa,

I wont a monster truck for cristmus. I luf you Santa!


Zachary H.

Dear Santa,

I wut a Patan. I wut nef gis.



Dear Santa,

I want a rmot car. I want a plae stachin. I want a 3dds. I want a ipod. I want a psp. I want a dog.



Dear Santa,

I want a drbe for caresms. I want a psps for chrismis. I want a munst truk. I love you Santa. I wont to no wen you is comeing to miy hose. I can get a psp for chrismis? Santa is the best.



Dear Santa,

I want gak and monopoly. I also want a 50 dollar ituns card. I also most of all love and pees.  We won’t forget your cookys and milk and we will try to reemedr kareits. I love you.



Dear Santa,

I wort a dog. I wort barts.



Dear Santa,

For Christmas 25 will cabilus wii game’s. baby butters cootch and a bell form your sled. Some stuff for my easy bake.



Dear Santa,

I wot a skormorme at chrismis and wat time will you kom to my homes. I love Santa bkas he is set and he maax ches.



Dear Santa,

War is the mn of pol witam. Do you cum to mai haes? I wot a bik for christmis.



Dear Santa,

I wot a babdol an I wot a brbydol. I wot a stuf pd bear. I wot a stuf anmloow.



Dear Santa,

Give me a babyliv. My own pepy crème brbdol. I want a 3 frby. I like a casle. I lole a crish babey. Pigepc with dofins be grate.



Dear Santa,

I wont all of the halo legos for cristmus. Can you pleas bring me them?


Zachary B.

Dear Santa,

Whinyou get to my house and get my toys I was a psp and a xbox. Lego in jargo and a toy if you can. In my tox is pop the pig, transformer, and legos.



Dear Santa,

I want fur christmis is a psp. I want a dank bike and a skatfrme.



Dear Santa,

I love you. I like your ned sled. I would like a citty.



J. Gregory First Grade

Dear Santa,

I am so excited for Christmas.  Three presents I would love are video game, gold and a basketball.  Thank you Santa.

You Friend,


Dear Santa,

I am so excited for Christmas.  Three presents I would love are DS now game, PSP now game, and XBOX 360 now games.  Thank you Santa.

You Friend,


Dear Santa,

I am so excited for Christmas.  Three presents I would love are mosrchuk, teoy, and teoy.  Thank you Santa.

You Friend,


Dear Santa,

I am so excited for Christmas.  Three presents I would love are DS, tay and tay.  Thank you Santa.

You Friend,


Dear Santa,

I am so excited for Christmas.  Three presents I would love are Barbthellsiars Ship, and I would love are DS, and I would love are dall with gesup.  Thank you Santa.

You Friend,


Dear Santa,

I am so excited for Christmas.  Three presents I would love are tay, tay and sandpis.  Thank you Santa.

You Friend,


Dear Santa,

I am so excited for Christmas.  Three presents I would love are nerf bolis, DeSe and  and IFone.  Thank you Santa.

You Friend,


Dear Santa,

I am so excited for Christmas.  Three presents I would love are a IPOD, a XBOX and a trumpllen.  Thank you Santa.

You Friend,


Dear Santa,

I am so excited for Christmas.  Three presents I would love are Minkratf gam, Plastahahen, and dinosors.  Thank you Santa.

You Friend,


K. Williams,  First Grade

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year, I want a scooter.   I need a 3 store Barbe Hous.   I’ll wear a misis clos dres.  I’ll read a Barbe Book.  I would really love for you to bring me scatse.


Brianna McCullers

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year, I want a hours.  I need a IPod cas.  I’ll wear a zeebr coak. I’ll read Biskit book.  I would really love for you to bring me a IPod.


Nevaeh Chauncey

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year, I want a x box 360.  I need a tablit.  I’ll wear blue shrt. I’ll read Black Bears.  I would really love for you to bring me x box 360.


Isaac Hurley

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year, I want I Pod.  I need a calinder.  I’ll wear Alvin and the chicmonk teshert. I’ll read Santa Books.  I would really love for you to bring me school stof.


Ashlyn Meeks

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year, I want a coit cedymar.  I need a naw dres.  I’ll wear a Bots. I’ll read a bok abot a cat.  I would really love for you to bring me a pink ball.


Mia Solis

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year, I want a ox box 360.  I need a fowelr.  I’ll wear mi peja. I’ll read a satu buc.  I would really love for you to bring me a remoticre.


Luis Flores

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year, I want a new books like A new Clifford.  I need A toy like a train.  I’ll wear a toy story shirt. I’ll read a Lorex book.  I would really love for you to bring me a wii.


Keith Barga

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year, I want tutus.  I need Ifon 4.  I’ll wear red and green cloz. I’ll read Santa Books.  I would really love for you to bring me a pogo stick.


Kiera Hurst

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year, I want a motorsacl.  I need new shos.  I’ll wear a dres. I’ll read a book aboot prese.  I would really love for you to bring me a basco.


Miran Florentino Aguirre

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year, I want a komputer.  I need shorts.  I’ll wear clous. I’ll read books.  I would really love for you to bring me a morou (Mario) game.


Kevin Arriaga

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year, I want a soot to were to cherch.  I need pants.  I’ll wear a hansome shrt. I’ll read a book about you.  I would really love for you to bring me a frwiler.


Andrew Harrell

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year, I want a 3ds.  I need a top.  I’ll wear blak pans. I’ll read a book abot ???.  I would really love for you to bring me a 3ds.


Christopher Messer

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year, I want a ingre brs techrt (angry birds t-shirt) .  I need a dinosor prasant.  I’ll wear fanse klous. I’ll read books ubit Digo.  I would really love for you to bring me a toy sintiklis (Santa Claus).


Albiery Casado-Mandonodo

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year, I want some dolls.  I need a make up kit.  I’ll wear shorts and pants and barbe shirts. I’ll read prisses books.  I would really love for you to bring me a dress up set.


Vanessa Nunez

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year, I want a truck.  I need klos.  I’ll wear a mustr truck shrt. I’ll read hard books.  I would really love for you to bring me a skate bord.


Kenny Harrell

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year, I want a IPot.  I need a jacket.  I’ll wear a Angry Bird Shirt. I’ll read the firs Chrismas.  I would really love for you to bring me a IPat.


Derrick Diego

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year, I want a ball.  I need close.  I’ll wear close. I’ll read a book.  I would really love for you to bring me cars.


Iann Montgomery

Amy William’s Class

Dear Santa,

I have been a good girl will you please bring me toys? I want a barbiedall and a pink bella scooter and a jewelry and makup. Merry Christmas Santa We love you and we believe.


Dear Santa,

I would like a bike. I wood like a intend wiiu. I would like a xbox360. I would like a ps3 veedu. I would like a redi steel and disc. Please give my brother psveedu. I love Santa and family.


Dear Santa,

I hav ben a gd boy to day. I want a blablade and a cumpotr.


Dear Santa,

Please will you get me a, Doctor mommy doll, American Doll, Free fall coaster (knex), Ipod, gun, purple scooter (sit).


Dear Santa

I wont a iPod. My babey cousin her name is Avery she wonts a tey set piis give her it. And my sister wonts a iPod.


Dear Santa,

I want the computer vrsin of minecraft. I want a wii u. and I want a baby fish.


Dear santa,

I was a good boy. I want for Christmas is gator stuff and a game for my 3DS is called super Mario brother 2. I want is a bike and I want is a football gamefor my wii. Thank you


Dear Santa,

I was a good boy. I wusa xbox 360od a kpd. I was menanapfame. I was menodmom mod bad to deto gad.


Dear Santa,

I wold like a tagoset please. I wold like a wii u please. I wold like a sr iland gints.


Dear Santa,

I wish for a quarter horse. I wish for a baby alive for my baby sister. I wish for a gator shirt, I wish for sum gator earrings.


Dear Santa,

I wish for computer real. I wish for a gad shirt. I wish for a gap pointats.


Dear Santa,

I was a good boy. Can yow please git me yow please git me a new bike? Dear Santa What do yow wat for Christmas? I would like a remote control snake. I lik a little real bow and arrow. I would like a frbe.


Dear Santa,

Please bring me Babydoll and a psp and dsi. And a  baby alive at can do surgary. A pink bella scooter and toy computer. Thank you, Love Santa and I believe you Santa. And some santa earrings and makeup, please!


Dear Santa

Can you please bring me a toy. Because I want a scooter and my mom and dad they what a moter sica. And for my uncals they want a big Bisckale.


Dear Santa,

I wish for a quarter Horse. I wish for ababy Alive for my baby sister. I wish for a Gator Shirt. I wish for sum Gator earrings.



Dear Santa,

Please gevo me a play stasoon! PSP. I want horse! I want a little truck.


Dear Santa,

I just a boot. I just a telie tubies I jusa Mario toy I just a toy clock. I just a Hat. I just a Hot tub I just a tumble bunble book I just a capri sun               


McCullers,  First Grade

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year, I want xbox.   I need clothes.   I’ll wear nice teshirts.  I’ll read clifford books.  I would really love for you to bring me a playstashon4.


Brayden Deese

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year, I want a tran.  I need a biscle.  I’ll wear a buton shert. I’ll read a pokemn book.  I would really love for you to bring me a PSP.


Allen Stanavich

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year, I want a mareo game.  I need socks.  I’ll wear a scarf. I’ll read a hors book.  I would really love for you to bring me a DS.


Alyssa Garcia

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year, I want makeup.  I need high heels.  I’ll wear a dress. I’ll read Jesus storey.  I would really love for you to bring me xbox 360.


Keara McGuffey

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year, I want a IPod.  I need toy horses.  I’ll wear dres. I’ll read horse books.  I would really love for you to bring me real horses.


Aurora Crawford

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year, I want teloscop.  I need PSP.  I’ll wear jackets. I’ll read magic tree house books.  I would really love for you to bring me a 3DS.


Justin Tilley

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year, I want barbe dolls.  I need toy horses.  I’ll wear a house dress. I’ll read a prinsis and horse book.  I would really love for you to bring me a 3DS.


Kierstine Newhard

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year, I want sikl sikl.  I need Naby.  I’ll wear kostom. I’ll read the three little pigs.  I would really love for you to bring me a toy car.


Damian Santos

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year, I want a sord.  I need a 3DS.  I’ll wear skilitin costoom. I’ll read a magic tree house book.  I would really love for you to bring me a incredible hulk toy.


Leo Musgrove

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year, I want a 3DSI.  I need a cuomputr.  I’ll wear a shorts. I’ll read a clfford book.  I would really love for you to bring me a IPod tch.


Hodalis Perez

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year, I want a toy car.  I need a car for my mom.  I’ll wear cawboy hat and pants. I’ll read Clifford books.  I would really love for you to bring me a blak bike.


Giovanni Cortes-Vasquez

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year, I want a sword.  I need a computar.  I’ll wear a suit. I’ll read a Santa buk.  I would really love for you to bring me a toy car.


Eleuterio Neria

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year, I want a butterfly game.  I need shos.  I’ll wear a pink dress. I’ll read clifford’s book.  I would really love for you to bring me a DS.


Gabriela Gonzalez-Lovaton

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year, I want a 3DS.  I need a cat.  I’ll wear PJs. I’ll read a spidman book.  I would really love for you to bring me spidrman webs.


Jean-Paul Gill

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year, I want a horse.  I need clothes.  I’ll wear a sudtr and pens. I’ll read Magic Tree House.  I would really love for you to bring me IPOD.


Selena Ardilla

Dear Santa,

For Christmas this year, I want a IPad.  I need a new jacket.  I’ll wear a nice pink dres. I’ll read a dog book.  I would really love for you to bring me a 3DS.


Brooklyn Everett

Miracle’s First Grade

Dear Santa,

I hope you have had a great year. I have been a good boy.  For Christmas I want a scooter bike, a helmet, and a touch pad. I hope you have a Merry Christmas.



Dear Santa,

I want a truck and I want a DS. We wish you a Merry Christmas.



Dear Santa,

I hope you had a great year. I have been a good boy for Christmas.  I want a skylander, sonic toys, a ninja toy. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas.



Dear Santa,

I hope you had a great year. I have been a good girl.  For Christmas, I want makeup, and my room done. I hope you have a Merry Christmas.



Dear Santa,

I hope you have had a great year. I have been a good boy. For Christmas I want an Xbox 360 a Ninja Turtle. Have a Merry Christmas.



Dear Santa,

I hope you had a great year. I have been a good girl. For Christmas I want a DS, a bike, and I want a makeup set. I also want clothes, and new shoes.



Dear Santa,

I hope you had a great year. I have been a good girl. I want a doll, a doll house, and a cat.

Merry Christmas.



Dear Santa,

I hope you had a great year. I have been a boy. For Christmas, I want a monster truck, a motorcycle, and a police car. I hope you have a Merry Christmas.



Dear Santa,

I hope you had a great year. I have been a good boy. For Christmas I want skylander, and some Mario toys. Hope you have a very Merry Christmas.



Dear Santa,

I hope you had a great year. I have been a good boy. For Christmas I want an Xbox 360 DS, and a Playstation. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas.



Dear Santa,

I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  For Christmas, I want a bike, some toys, and some clothes.



Dear Santa,

I have been a good girl. For Christmas I want toys,a puzzle, a princess book. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas.



Dear Santa,

I have been a good girl. For Christmas I want a makeup set, a jewelry set, and a big teddy bear. I hope you have a Merry Christmas.



Dear Santa,

I have been a good boy. For Christmas I want a toy car that I can drive, a monster truck, and a monster truck toy.



Dear Santa,

I have been a good girl. For Christmas I want a jewelry box, fingernail polish, and a guitar. I hope you have a Merry Christmas.



Dear Santa,

I hope you had a great year. For Christmas I want a remote control boat, a nerf gun,and a bird. I hope you have a very Christmas.

Love ,


Dear Santa,

I hope you had a great year, I have been a good girl. For Christmas I want an easy bake oven, an American girl doll ,and  clothes. I hope you have a Merry Christmas.

Love ,


Dear Santa,

I have been a good boy. For Christmas I want remote control car, apsp, and  xbox 360. I hope you have a Merry Christmas.



Mrs. Greaves’ First Grade

Dear Santa,

I want a glowing pensil.

Your Pal,


Dear Santa,

I want a fone.  I want you Santa.  I want a cat.  I want a blk duck.

Your Pal,


Dear Santa,

Santa I want a ipod and a gofcart for Christmas to!  

Your Pal,


Dear Santa,

I want 1000 dollrs and a puppy for Christmas!

Your Pal,


Dear Santa,

I want a monster truck. I want a basketball goal.

Your Pal,


Dear Santa,

I want a doll and a lollosey doll and a unicorn and a BarBie and a My lttle pony my Babey alliv for Christmas.  

Your Pal,

Saquiora   Merrey Christmas.  

Dear Santa,

I like it when you bring your reindeers to come and bring us presents because it’s my favorite holiday.  

Your Pal,


Dear Santa,

I want a Barbie Doll for Christmas.  

Your Pal,


Dear Santa,

I like cool toys and what I want a dog that’s real and new clothes. I saw your reindeers and I got the magic key and reindeer food.

Your Pal,


Dear Santa,

Ples wont for Christmas. Ples santa bring me a cel fone. Ples I see yor reindeers. Ples bring me a pupe.  

Your Pal,


Dear Santa,

Pless can I have a Ds. Pless can I have a dog. Pless can I have a ipodd. Pless can I have a new han satiser.  

Your Pal,


Dear Santa,

I wante a pitbill. I wante a big ke chan for my pit bill. I wante a NFL game for Christmas.  

Your Pal,


Dear Santa,

I Love you Santa.  I want a mercken doll a mercken closet a helo cend room.  

Your Pal,


Dear Santa,

I like a gokart for krimis and a  x box three sixdy.  

Your Pal,


Dear Santa,

I want a par of drums ind a X box 360 ind also a bas ball weth a bating a fut ball.  

Your Pal,


Dear Santa,

I want a will foon tuch skreg. I want skat bon and a foot ball!  

Your Pal,


Dear Santa,

I wat a bik. I wat a ds. I wat a psp.

Your Pal,


Mrs. Turman’s First Grade

Dear Santa,

I would like an X Box, a new bike, and a Play Station.  I love you very much!    



Dear Santa,

I would like an Xbox and a Barbie for Christmas.  I love you very much!  



Dear Santa,

I would like skates, Play Station games, an I Pod, and an X Box 360.



Dear Santa,

I would like a Hello Kitty and a Barbie.  



Dear Santa,

I would like a 3DS, computer, and a Nintendo Wii for Christmas.  I love you very much!


Blakeleigh Smith

Dear Santa,

I would like a 3DS,IPod and a Spiderman.  



Dear Santa,

I would like a computer, a bike, and a shotgun.



Dear Santa,

I would like a Barbie that takes pictures.  Next, I would like a phone.  Last, I would like a computer.  I love you Santa!  Thank you!



Dear Santa,

I would like a phone and a 3 DS for Christmas.  I love you very much!      


Dawson Fry

Dear Santa,

I would like an I Pad, an I Pod, and a computer for Christmas.

I love you very much!



Dear Santa,

I would like a camera, Barbie, and bike for Christmas.  I love   you very much!


Jade Boyd

Dear Santa,

I would like a bike, a Tablet, and an IPad for Christmas.  I love you very much!


B.J. Hawkins

Dear Santa,

I would like a 3Ds, Xbox 360, and a Play Station for Christmas.  I love you very much!



Dear Santa,

I would like an IPad and horse.  I love you very much!



Dear Santa,

I would like a XBox 360, a Nerf gun, an IPad, and a IPod.


Caydon Fullbright

Dear Santa,

I would like an XBox 360, Tablet, and a 3DS for Christmas.



Dear Santa,

I would like a bike, a ball, and a 3DS.  I love you!



Mrs. Pagliai’s First Grade Class

Dear Santa I Love Santa

For all the thing he bring all of us  I want a fon, I want a three-ds, I want a forwlllr, I want a go care, I want a iPod, I want a PSP

I want a Nevr, I want a Mocortrol car, and I want a modicicl, I want a SkYLanders giants

and a NeW bike and I want a Play Car



Dear Santu

Haw are your elvs dowing haw

Old are your alfs  you are

vare vare nice  I want a xbox

thee sixsde and a motconchol

car and a DS and a glfe cart



Dear Santa:  

How are you Doing?  How Many ElVes So you have?

Please bring me a Barbie Doll and Make-up



Dear Santa

How are you and Mrs. Claus?

How are or elves? I hav a little bit. I woat Star wars Lego. Nlniaga2lego ds. all lego Brave Wii


your friend


Dear santa,

How are you doing? How much does it snows. Please bring me a MonSter Truck.



Dear Santa,

How are you doing?  How are you doing  Mrs. Claus? How are your reindeer? How have your elves doing?  I have been good

this year? I want a blue Pit I want a 3DSXL I want a XBOX

I want ASSASSINS I want WiPeOut I want Halc4 I want Call fo Duty


Dear Sarta,

How. aer yu Dowig this morig

Mrs. Claus How are the ran dees dowig? I have been good this year I want wwe Best of Pay Perview I want Xbox 360

I want 3ds. I want Nerf gun


Dear Santa,

How are you. Are you Bizzy this year?  I wold like a Bingere

3ds.  I wold like a Sled. I wold like a SComputer. I wold like a XBOX 360. I wold like a flag.

Your frind


Dear SanTa

Haw are you and mrs

Claus? Haw are your randindeers? How do you make ToyS?

Do your eLVes make Toys I want a dert


Dear Santa,

Haw are you doing I want to know how The Elves are? Please bring me a Barbie Doll and her outfits.



Dear Santa,

Hiy Santa How are you Doen

Have you Bin Bisey This Year

Just to romid You I have Bin

Good This year I Hop you Will

BreG me a littll ForWillir and PoPey And IPaD and I Wont a Justin BeBr BeDSet and a

3DS and I Wont a Pano and

Santa PaWs2 Sand Chrack oF AUStin ALLY



Joy Selestina

Blingyes Totally me & crafts

LALALoopsy House LALALoopsy classroom

Cutie pops. Dolls & Pets


Dear Santa,

Haw are you and your reindeer?

Can it recue or Can it Snoweru

I whant a disckle? I whant a bag

of Skittle? I whant 3DS gamese? I whant a leaP Pad2?




Der SNaNte

how are you. Elvs How are you.

Dr santu how are you. Hv it binu Fogy wir you biN Fiiig

I wNt you Sante I Howp I luvse u and My berths I woNSKYYONUarS

Dear Santon

How are you boingane and mrs Clous? I watearar Book ane Then I want moves a mose l a 3DS a ga Kit and bess ansone an goe ane  scarves and long sefe

sort and Paseant Sar Set and tsoes and Pgame ane a ifone ane ane pond and Stompeez! Slippers.




Dear Santa,

How are you and Mix Clos? I hope you and Mix Clos elves are flig good. I am get suthing I been so good that I love you so

much  I want a hug  I want you to hug me so titi that I bo not want you let me go becus I love you so much.  Your frad Jaguar

Jaguar love you.

Mrs. Ragan’s First Grade Class


Dear Santa,

I want a DS and a computer. I want an electric scooter.


A’desmondna Hanna

Dear Santa,

I want a skateboard and an Ipad and a remote car. Santa, I have been a good boy this year and I love you!


Juan Delgado

Dear Santa,

 I want an Ipad and dirt bike and a DS for Christmas. I have been a good girl.


 Asiah McGee

Dear Santa,

I want an Ipod Touch, an Xbox 360, and a Tablet. I have been a very good girl this year and I will give you some milk and cookies.


Erica Hawthorne

Dear Santa,

I want an electric scooter, a bat, and an Apples to Apples game.


Lee Messer

Dear Santa,

I want a computer and an electric scooter for Christmas.


Dy’vone Cason

Dear Santa,

I want a new bike and a remote and an X Box 360 and a Ipod for Christmas.


Karis Twiggs

Dear Santa,

I want an electric scooter and a DS and Ferbe for Christmas.


Kaylin Duffek

Dear Santa,

I want a new electric scooter, DS, and a Game Boy for Christmas. Love, Drake Smith

Dear Santa,

I want a dirt bike.


Joseph Parrott


Dear Santa,

I want a Barbie for Christmas and a bike for Christmas and a Baby Alive. I love Santa.


Shania Spencer

Dear Santa,

I want a dirt bike and an Ipod and a remote car for Christmas.


Adam Fullbright

Dear Santa,

I want a new 3 DS, and a Tablet and a dream light. I love you.


Haley Carter

Dear Santa,

I want a Baby Alive and an Ipod for Christmas.


Doshia White

Dear Santa,

I want a DS and I want a new bike.


Lon’darren Gross

Dear Santa,

I want an Ipod, Ipad, and money for Christmas.


Trinity Williams

Mrs. Mandy Ramsey’s First Grade Class

Dear Santa,

I want a 4wheeler and a remote control helicopter for Christmas.

Your Pal, Caroline

Dear Santa,

I want a 4wheeler and spy glasses.

Your Pal, Cason

Dear Santa,

I want a tent, a Wii, flat screen TV, and a playstation.

Your Pal, Kade

Dear Santa,

I want a baby alive.

Your Pal, Lylabeth

Dear Santa,

I want a PS3 and see you Santa.

Your Pal, Ja”Darius

Dear Santa,

I want a hotrod car.

Your Pal, Robert

Dear Santa,

I want a dog and will you give me a cat?

Your Pal, Kyle

Dear Santa,

I want a baby alive, puppy dog, computer, and baby doll house.

Your Pal, Victoria

Dear Santa,

I want a dog, a cat, and a iPad.

Your Pal, Layna

Dear Santa,

I want a Wii, skateboard, and all the toys you can give me.

Your Pal, Chris

Dear Santa,

I want a dog for Christmas.

Your Pal, Kale

Dear Santa,

I want a 4 wheeler, skateboard, skates, bike, and a b.b. gun.

Your Pal, Will

Dear Santa,

I want a dirt bike for Christmas.

Your Pal, Luke

Dear Santa,

I want a bike, an iPad, and a DS for Christmas.

Your Pal, Jordann

Dear Santa,

I want a PS3 for Christmas.

Your Pal, Tarrell

Dear Santa,

I want from you is a bike!!!

Your Pal, Rachel

Dear Santa,

I want a skateboard for Christmas!

Your Pal, Hunter

Dear Santa,

I want a DS for Christmas.

Your Pal, Timmia

Dear Santa,

How are you doing   would you please bring me a kichen.   I have been good.

Your friend

Mariana Bravo

Mrs. Crowell’s class

Dear santa

How is Miss Clois Plese Bring me a DSI and a Xbox 360 and a Dog

Your friend

William Lindner


Dear Santa,

How is Rudolph?   Can I Please Have a nintdo dsi with each of the poke mon gaems and a bike and a purse.


Stephanie Chen


Dear Santa,

How is Rudolph   Would you please bring me a Furbee and a MY litll Pone toy and a TEncer Bell toy too   p.s. I have tried my best to be good!

Your friend,

Harli Zack


Dear Santa,

How are you doing?  Would you please bring me a bicke, a puppy and a ezle?  P.S. I have tried my best to be good!


Secora Pickles


Dear Santa,

How are the Rindeers and Rudoph?   Would you please bring me a DSI?  And a BarBie and a DSA?

Your friend,

Denise Leon


Dear Santa,

How are you doing?   Would you please bring me a DSI, and toys and a kittns postre. Too.

Your Love,

Sneha Zala


Dear Santa,

How are you   kan you gvive mi hot weels an will you plese gvive me a dsi an a now we cntrolr.

Your friend

Cayden Warner


Dear Santa,

How are you Doing?   Will you please bring me a  PSP and a shotgun and a tigger   and I trid my Best to Be good


Joshua Harris


Dear Santa,

How are you doing?   Would you please bring me a nintndow dsi and a puppy and a pok mon.

Your friend

Adrian Segura


Dear Santa,

How are you doing?   Would you please bring me a bike and a 3DS and a barbea Hous.


Alondra Castro


Dear Santa,

How are you?   I want a glow pillow and a glow blanckit and a toy kitty


Madison Dear


Dear Santa,

How is Rudolph   Would you please bring me a Hot Weeys cars and a nentendo DS and a monstr  chruk snake bite wif ssmol cars

Your friend,

Jose Torres


Dear Santa,

How are you doing?   Would you Please bring me a peare uv stompes?  And a gloing peloe and a blekit?

Your friend,

Angelina Ziemba


Dear Santa,

How ar you duig   can you breing me gamses for my DSI an video gamses an a mostr chruk wif a cntcholr   you no thos cald snake bite

Your friend

Enrigue Davis


Miss Wooley’s  First Grade Class

Dear Santa,

Will you please bring a Xbox three xisxis. Will you please bring a blodog (bulldog).

Will you please bring a drt bic.



Dear Santa,

Will you give me a four welr for Christmas?



Dear Santa,

I want a 3DS, Sonic color for DS, boat, Lego City, Kite.



Dear Santa,

Will you bring me three Nerf Guns and poulis (bullets). Will you bring a gutare also a tv. Will you get a Xbox three sixdy. Thank you for all the gifts last year.



Dear Santa,

I want a girt for Christmas. I want a Bisl (bicycle) for Christmas. I want a Breb for Christmas.



Dear Santa,

Could you bring me a moccrol (remote control) bot? Could you bring me a moccrol helcortr? Could you bring me a moccrol car?



Dear Santa,

I want a trasformers for Christmas.



Dear Santa,

I want a cat for Christmas. I want a dog for Christmas. I want a bike for Christmas.



Dear Santa,

I want some daces close. Also I want a micfrone. Also I want a cat. Could you get me a pupy? Could you get me a cputre? Also can you get me a tuch scring? Dear Santa I love you so much I wish I can see the rile Santa.



Dear Santa,

Can I get a bike? I wot a dog for Christmas. I wot for Christmas is a Kit.


Alissah Jones

Dear Santa,

All I want for Christmas is clothes and a pair of boots and a Santa book.


Tyler Landen

Dear Santa,

I want a new bike for Christmas and a ipod. Thank You.



Dear Santa,

I want a gume (gummy) shandller. I want a brbes doll. I want new ituch. I Love Santa!



Dear Santa,

I want a doll for Christmas and Ipod for Christmas and a Scurdr for Christmas. I want a Santa doll. Can you bring me a heart quines neklses? Thank you for my gifts.



Dear Santa,

Will you bring me a skooter? Also I want a gitor too and sootkase. I Love you Santa.


Lariena Smith

Dear Santa,

Will you bring me a nerth gun? Can you bring me Christmas tree for my room?


Jason W.

Dear Santa,

Can I get a bike? Can I get a TV? Can I get a kite? Can I get a bebe gun? Can I get a gitor? Can I get toys? Dear Santa I love you.

