Service Above Self award goes to John and JoAnn Martz

Friends and associates joined the members of the Rotary Club of Live Oak as they honored John and JoAnn Martz with the 2013 Service Above Self Award this week.

“The Rotary Council on Legislation established ‘Service Above Self’ as the principle motto of Rotary since it best explains the philosophy of unselfish volunteer service. John and JoAnn you are being recognized today by the Rotary Club of Live Oak because you give so freely of your time and energy to help others,” said Ronnie Poole former district governor and Rotarian during the presentation.

John is a very active Rotarian serving on the board, is part of the United Way of Suwannee Valley serving this year as its General Campaign Chairman and he is the incoming President for 2013-2014. He is also active in his service to Arc, Relay for Life of Suwannee County and Love INC.

John also participates with the Suwannee Foundation for Excellence in Education. He makes a point of supporting all the schools in the counties that his business, SVEC serves and encourages his employees to do the same.

He is a member of both the Lake City and Live Oak chambers and has served on the Live Oak chamber board. Since 2006 John has been the chairman of the Council for Progress and is a member of the Business Recruitment Team.

“John we know there has been someone in your life that has been right with you all the way supporting your efforts and along the way doing her part in making our communities a better place. That is why when the committee began to look at you as a candidate for the Service Above Self award, the more we learned the more we became aware that there was someone equally deserving to be recognized. That person is JoAnn,” said Poole.

JoAnn is a University of Florida (UF) Master Gardener and has been very active with the planning at Heritage Parks and Garden and serves on the board of Friends of Heritage Park and Gardens. She and John were instrumental in getting UF to help design the landscaping plan for the park and gardens.

She is involved with the CRA and volunteers her time to help with revitalization projects and is a member of Suwannee County Extension Advisory committee.

Joann and John are faithful members of Saint Francis Xavier Catholic Church. Both are Eucharistic ministers – participating in taking communion to nursing homes and other facilities. JoAnn visits nursing homes on a weekly basis, has put together retreats for the ladies of her church, has spent many hours planning and furnishing the new fellowship hall and has been president of the Gainesville Deanery for the past two years

John and JoAnn were gracious in the acceptance of the award and each complimented the other for the service they provide to their family, church and community.

John added, “I was so surprised and honored, but I guess I was supposed to be surprised.”

The Service Above Self Award presented by the Rotary Club of Live Oak is presented each year to an individual who has, throughout his or her lifetime exemplified the Rotary Motto of Service Above Self.

The past recipients of this award are: the Reverend Robert Hall, followed by Jo Kennon, Marjorie Carmichael, the Reverend Charlie Webb, Ronnie Poole, Patt Slaughter, A. P. “Buddy” Nott, J. L. McMullen, Keith Leibfried, Roy Guercio, the Reverend Clarence Parker, Jackie Dove, the Reverend Pomeroy Carter, Wallace Townsend, Bob McGranahan, Greg Scott, Carolyn Spilatore and last year’s winner Sam Carter.

The Rotary Club of Live Oak meets weekly at The Farm Bureau on Dowling Avenue. More information on the club and the opportunities for service it presents can be found at


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