The Mighty Thor: The War Thor

OK, any Thor fans foolish enough to have quit reading the book because a woman became worthy to wield Mjolnir and become the thunder god, well, first, shame on them.

Second, the original Thor is again deemed worthy to be the thunder god and has returned to helming the Thor comics. 

So … anyone who refused to read the comics until the original Thor returned, now may do so, and if they shunned the title for a few years because Thor was a woman, they can become worthy again by seeking reprint collections of the run. 

They are available in hard cover and trade paperback, often on the discount shelves. The collections are worth the cover price but are a true bargain at the discount rates.

For readers unfamiliar with the storyline: Mjolnir deemed Thor unworthy to wield the magical hammer. So, the god known as Thor was reduced and became known as the Odinson.

Meanwhile, another was deemed worthy: Jane Foster, Thor’s one-time mortal love. Battling cancer, Jane is transformed into a female Thor whenever she touches Mjolnir. But being Thor depletes her. Whenever she transforms back into Jane, the cancer has progressed.

Writer Jason Aaron creates a magnificent saga with the Jane Foster/Thor – Unworthy Thor storylines. As he has done on his long and eventful run as Thor’s chief scripter, Aaron finds new directions for characters that have been in regular circulation for 50 years.

For example, in the fourth collection of the Jane Foster/Thor saga, “The War Thor,” Aaron hurls another hammer into the mix, creating another Thor out of the most unexpected character.

Thor has long been befriended by fellow Asgardians, the Warriors Three. Volstagg is a giant, always eating, always bragging, based not so loosely on Shakespeare’s Falstaff.

Here, the normally comic Volstagg falls into a tragic encounter with the minions of Sindr, the fiery daughter of worlds-ending Surtur during the ongoing war with the dark elves. Volstagg comes across the hammer of the dead Ultimate Universe Thor and Volstagg is transformed into the War Thor – a thunder god incarnation devoted to bringing war to all.

Great stuff, all around. Find the first three collections. Find this fourth one, “The War Thor,” find the fifth collection that wraps the storyline. Shoot, find the Aaron run prior to the Jane Foster/Thor.

All can be worthy. Or worthy again.


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