Conservation easement will protect water resources on the Aucilla River and Walker Spring
The Suwannee River Water Management District (District) has purchased a conservation easement on more than 167 acres of land on the Aucilla River in Jefferson County. The easement, purchased from Chris and Kristine Layman, will require the land to remain in its natural state and condition in order to protect water resources.
The conservation easement will provide 71.73 acres of springs protection, 90.5 acres of surfacewater protection, 167 acres of floodplain protection, and 3,085 feet or 0.58 miles of river frontage protection.
“We commend the Laymans for partnering with the District to protect our natural resources,” said Melanie Roberts, the District’s director of mission support. “Not only will this easement provide a buffer for the Aucilla River, it will protect a freshwater spring and floodplain and wetland forests.”
The purchase was completed using Florida Forever funding in the amount of $251,000 or $1,500 per acre.
A conservation easement is a perpetual agreement that leaves the basic ownership and management of property with the land owner but permanently restricts the use and alteration of the land. The District currently protects more than 124,000 acres of water resource lands using this tool.