ELBAZ: Chanukah 2022: Festival of Lights Celebration at Temple Israel scheduled

Chanukah, the Festival of Lights, commemorates the victory over the Greek-Asyrian, more than 2100 years ago, which will be celebrated Dec. 18, 2022 for eight days.

This miraculous victory, culminating with the rededication of the Sanctuary in Jerusalem and the rekindling of the Menorah which had been desecrated and extinguished by the enemy has been celebrated annually ever since.

The Maccabees had done all that was physically possible, re-enter the Holy Temple and began to purify it. They found a jar of oil enough to kindle the Menorah for one day. To prepare for more oil would require a process of at least seven days; miraculously, the single jar burned for eight days.

Thus Chanukah is more than a holiday; Chanukah is an eight-day spiritual journey.

It is a story of a little candle pushing away the monster of frightening darkness, of human sensibility overcoming terror and brutal force, of life and growth overcoming destruction.

We read about the events leading to Chanukah in the Books of Maccabees, detailing of a small band of Jewish fighters under the leadership of Judah the Maccabee (the hammer), culminating with the liberation of the city Jerusalem and especially the Holy Temple from the Syrian-Greeks legions who occupied it.

Chanukah symbolizes the message of triumph of freedom over oppression, of spirit over matter, of light over darkness. It is a timely and assuring message, for the forces of darkness are ever present.

Our rabbis taught, “A little light expels a lot of darkness.”

The Talmud (Rabbinic Judaism) describes Chanukah as a holiday of “praise and thanksgiving” in commemoration of the miraculous overthrow of the Syrian Greeks, the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem and the single cruse of oil that lasted eight days.

Jews kindle the lights of the chanukiyah, the eight-branched candelabrum. These lights, which can either be candles or with oil, grow in strength during the eight days, with the addition of one candle each night.

Potato latkes (pancakes) fried in oil are served, followed by a favorite activity playing with a four-sided spinning top known as a dreidel with four Hebrew letters – nun, gimel, hey, shin – representing “a great miracle happened there.”

Chanukah is a time of religious celebration and family gatherings, gift giving and favorite holiday foods. One of the most prominent themes is the ongoing struggle for liberation in the face of oppression, thus celebrating the process and its outcome.

On Thursday, Dec. 22, at 6 p.m., a Chanukah celebration will be held at Temple with a kindling ceremony, and featuring Etay Edgar of Israel, a member of Kinderklach Youth Troup as well as other activities such as music and readings.

The celebration is open to the community; if you wish to receive an invitation, please send your e-mail address to: goldpen9@gmail.com

As the Menorah is lit at sunset, a blessing is recited: ”Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe, Who sanctified us to kindle the Chanukah light.”

Rabbi Moshe Elbaz and the Valdosta Hebrew Congregation expresses its good wishes to all our friends for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. For additional information, visit our website: www.templeisrael-valdosta.org.


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