GEORGE: The emperor has no clothes
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, January 5, 2021
- Roberta George
Do you ever watch the commercials on television? Most people switch to another channel or get up to do a chore or go to the bathroom. Have you ever changed your mind because of a political commercial? Probably not.
Supposedly, Michael Bloomberg spent $409 million on his bid for a presidential nomination. I was glad when he didn’t succeed, proving that apparently one cannot buy a nomination.
Even the polls cannot be trusted.
In 2016, the polls predicted that Hillary Clinton was going to win. She didn’t, surprising everyone, including — I think — Trump, who had started out in the beginning of his campaign, saying the elections were rigged. Funny, how he accepted his win back then but can’t accept the loss now.
I’m a conservative, independent person. I even like the word “conservative.” I turn off electric lights and fans if someone leaves them on in an empty room. I use tea bags twice, much to the laughter of my children, and being originally from Arizona, I go to ridiculous extremes to conserve water, even here in the South where we seem to have plenty — right now.
It drives me crazy to see the automatic sprinkler systems in my neighborhood, watering the lawns when it’s raining.
When Trump won the 2016 election, I said prayers for him, that in achieving the highest office in the land, he would find his moral compass and show what a non-politician could do. I’m afraid Trump gave us the leadership we deserved, accepting whatever he said as the truth.
He did a few good things but mostly he lied.
He said he built automobile plants in Michigan and everyone cheered and applauded. No new automobile plants were ever built in Michigan. He said many other things that weren’t true and everyone at his rallies cheered and applauded.
Now, he says he won Georgia, and, in spite of three recounts, the numbers come out the same. Hats off and prayers for the Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, who was a Trump supporter but gave an honest accounting of our election.
Once upon a time, the Republican party had a platform for smaller government and lowering the national debt. They didn’t bother with a platform this year. And nowadays no one pays any attention to those two factors, neither Democrats nor Republicans, which will eventually make our money worthless.
What is that old story by Hans Christian Anderson that we all learned as children?
Two swindlers arrive in the capital city of an emperor who overspends on clothes, while neglecting affairs of state. Posing as weavers, they convince the emperor that they can make the most magnificent cloth that is invisible to any stupid or incompetent person.
The emperor is taken in by this deceit, and he and his officials are forced to pretend that they can see the material. Finally the cloth is made and the weavers report that the emperor’s suit is finished. They pretend to dress him and he sets off in a parade before the entire city.
The people, uncomfortable, but afraid to be thought stupid or incompetent, go along with the ruse, praising the beauty of the cloth until a small child blurts out that the emperor is wearing nothing at all.
Still, realizing the truth but too proud to admit it, the emperor goes on marching down the street. Some people still followed, some went home.
“And a little child will lead them” is written in the Christian Bible. All the great religions in the world advise taking a humble seat, not bragging on oneself, and being faithful to one’s obligations.
I wish we had the insight and the loving truthfulness of a small child. I wish we did not need to be “great,” now or ever.
Wouldn’t it be better to be “good” for a change?
Roberta George is the founder of Snake Nation Press.